Head of the South Aceh Regency Environment Agency stated that the daily waste products of the people in the area increased by 20 percent in Ramadan 2023. "There is an increase in public waste production during the fasting month of up to 20 percent," said Head of the South Aceh Regency Environment Agency Teuku Masrizar when contacted from Banda Aceh, Antara, Tuesday, April 4. Unfortunately, there are obstacles in handling waste, namely a limited transportation fleet. Currently, his party owns four trucks and two trucks are Amrol or garbage container carriers. "Although the fleet is limited, we continue to strive to improve services in dealing with community production waste. Meanwhile, the final disposal site, the South Aceh Regency Government already has a permanent location with an area of nine hectares," he added. According to Teuku Masrizar, the increase in waste production can be seen on weekdays reaching 10 tons per day and during the fasting month it reaches 12 tons per day or an increase of 20 percent. Teuku Masrizar said the increase in waste was dominated from households, such as the remains of food packages, and others. Meanwhile, garbage from offices, both government and private, has not increased. "The collection of garbage that we have done has not been comprehensive throughout South Aceh Regency. The waste we collected is still limited in several sub-districts, such as Tapaktuan, Samadira, and Pasie Raja. Meanwhile, in 15 other sub-districts, they are still being carried out individually," he said.

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