Kotim Health Office Checks Ipau Cake Samples Allegedly Caused 33 Toxics And One Died
Sample examination illustration (Photo: Doc. Unsplash)

JAKARTA - Residents of East Kotawaringin Regency (Kotim) Central Kalimantan are suspected of having food poisoning from traditional cakes, namely Ipau cake. In fact, it has claimed 1 person and 33 people were poisoned.

The Health Office of East Kotawaringin Regency (Kotim), Central Kalimantan examined samples of "ipau" cakes that caused casualties in the area in Sampit.

"After receiving reports from the public, we immediately followed up. We took steps, namely taking samples of food residue from patients to be examined at the Labkesda where the results will come out in the next three to five days," said Head of the East Kotawaringin Health Office Umar Kaderi in Sampit quoting Antara.

The Health Office has reported this incident to the Regional Secretary. The Health Office received reports from the public regarding the alleged poisoning on Thursday (30/3) around 14.00 WIB.

Temporary data, there are about 33 residents who are suspected of being poisoned by the traditional cake. Some of them are handled independently by being treated at home and some are at Dr Murjani Sampit Hospital.

Patients came from Mentawa Baru Ketapang District, Baamang, Iron City, Cempaga and Antang Kalang who allegedly happened to buy the same type of cake. Patients complain of nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, weakness, fever and stomach pain.

Looking at current developments, it is possible that the number of patients will increase. The latest news is that one person died.

The results of the search by the Health Office showed that residents bought cakes that were widely sold during Ramadan at the same seller, namely in Baamang District. They bought them on March 28 and 29, 2023, directly or online.

Residents who consumed the cake were suspected of being poisoned and some were taken to Dr Murjani Sampit Hospital on Wednesday (29/3). Some have been allowed to go home, but some are still being treated. One resident died.

The Health Office is still waiting for laboratory results related to the examination of the ipau cake sample to find out what caused the poisoning.

"We have also conveyed to the shop owner so that they don't sell ipau cakes for a while until the results of the examination come out," said Umar Kaderi.

Meanwhile, on the evening of Friday (31/3), the Head of the Kotim Health Office, Umar Kaderi visited Dr Murjani Sampit Hospital to visit patients who were still being treated, allegedly victims of cake poisoning.

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