JAKARTA - The illegal parking attendant in the Tanah Abang area took advantage of the situation during Ramadan to reap personal benefits. He made illegal levies through parking rates for two-wheeled vehicles for IDR 10,000 per unit.

The illegal levies (extortion) was also written on a banner poster in the parking area. The green banner reads "Towards fasting on March 1s/d Lebaran 2023, parking IDR 10,000". The poster was attached to a wall in the parking lot.

The location of the illegal parking location was then recorded by an amateur camera, one of the visitors who objected to the high parking rates for motorbikes. The video was uploaded on one of the Instagram social media accounts.

The video states "Not yet a month, I have been on this pilgrimage". Then, the video went viral and was guarded virtually. So that the Central Jakarta Metro Police who received the viral video report immediately took action.

"For the perpetrator to park Rp10 thousand, one person has been secured to the Tanah Abang Metro Police," said Central Jakarta Metro Police Chief Kombes Komarudin when confirmed by VOI, Friday, March 31.

In addition, Kombes Komarudin said that his party had secured the perpetrators of parking extortion in other Tanah Abang Market areas. This time the perpetrator asked for parking money of Rp. 50,000 per car.

"Previously, there were also those who were secured at the Tanah Abang Metro Police and the Resort Police regarding the levy of Rp. 50,000," he said.

Previously, it was reported that the Central Jakarta Metro Police would soon carry out thug operations in the Tanah Abang Market area and other points prone to the presence of thugs in Central Jakarta during Ramadan 1444 Hijri.

"We will always carry out thuggery operations that have been emphasized by the Kapolda," said Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of the Central Jakarta Metro Police AKBP Hady Saputra Siagian when confirmed by VOI, Sunday, March 26.

The thug raid operation was partly due to the aftermath of a murder case under the Tanah Abang Multipurpose Crossing Bridge (JPM), Central Jakarta.

"We must eradicate thuggery wherever we are, not only in Tanah Abang. We will eradicate it with firm and humanist actions," he said.

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