MANADO - Head of the Karangetang Volcano Observation Post (PGA) in Sitaro Islands Regency, North Sulawesi, Yudia P Tatipang said, since the effusive eruption on February 8, 2023, the volcanic activity of the mountain has begun to decrease. "We have recorded a decline in volcanic activity starting March 27, 2023," he said in Manado, Antara, Wednesday, March 29. Indications of decreased activity, according to him, can be seen from the frequency of aftershocks. Whereas previously the earthquake continued to occur. Likewise, the number of incandescent lava that fell into the river was relatively reduced, while the lava flow from the crater peak was about 800 meters and from the end of the flow it fell into the Batang river as far as 1,200 meters. The observation report of the PGA Karangetang Post at 00.00-06.00 WITA, visually, did not see fog and crater smoke, then sound fell/longsoran from the observation post. 43 earthquakes with an amplitude of 10-40 millimeters, a duration of 35-62 seconds, one volcanic earthquake with an amplitude of 20 millimeters, SP: 0.47 seconds with a duration of 10 seconds, and one long-range tectonic time. with an amplitude of 40 millimeters, SP: 36 seconds for 115 seconds. “Earthquake fluctuates, while the level of volcanic activity of Mount Karangetang is alert at level III,” he said. It is hoped that the recommendations issued by the Center for Volcanology and Geological Hazard Mitigation (PVMBG), the Geological Agency of the Ministry of Energy, Mineral Resources, and Energy can be followed up by the public in order to avoid unwanted things, said Yudia P Tatipang.

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