雅加达 - 数百人正在全球进行搜索,以帮助找到保罗·麦卡特尼(Paul McCartney)的贝斯手Hofner,后者24年前失踪。

失落巴斯项目正在挖掘有关“历史上最重要的巴斯”存在的信息 - 1961年Beatles明星以德国汉堡30磅的价格购买的第一个贝斯。


根据The Lost Bass Project的说法,失踪的Häfner 500/1 Violin Bass可以在歌曲Love Me Do,She Love You和Twit and Shout中听到。

领导这次搜索的是来自Häfner的Nick Wass,他与Scott和Naomi Jones的已婚团队合作,Naomi Jones是记者和电视制作人。




Welcome to The Lost Bass Project - the global search for Paul McCartney's original Höfner bass. Between 1961 and 1969 this bass changed the world. Today it's the Holy Grail of Rock and Roll. Follow the trail. And help trace the bass. Visit https://t.co/4eZFkyULMv @tracingthebass pic.twitter.com/VauQW8G9bB

— TracingTheBass (@TracingTheBass) September 2, 2023

Welcome to The Lost Bass Project - the global search for Paul McCartney's original Höfner bass. Between 1961 and 1969 this bass changed the world. Today it's the Holy Grail of Rock and Roll. Follow the trail. And help trace the bass. Visit https://t.co/4eZFkyULMv @tracingthebass pic.twitter.com/VauQW8G9bB

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