JAKARTA - There are various activities that can be done to add to the excitement of the school holidays. For Spider-Man fans, there is nothing wrong with trying to travel to Supermal Karawaci in collaboration with Sony Pictures again presenting Spider-Man: Across The Spider-Verse as a continuation of the Spider-Verse saga series and starting to hit theaters on May 31, 2023.

There is a Cosplay Spider-Man parade from several communities, where visitors can take pictures with Spider-Man cosplayers at Meet and Greet events every weekend.

Several competition events such as Kids Cosplay & Coloring and Instagram Cosplay Photo Competition can also be followed by Spider-Man fan children. Community Events with the Breakdown Channel Universe will also discuss the ether eggs on Spider-Verse saga.

We are excited to present Spider-ManTM: Across The Spider-Verse. We want to give visitors a memorable experience in enjoying family time at Supermal Karawaci especially during this school vacation. Therefore, we provide a playground for children who want to act like Spider-Man and can have various collections of official merchandise Spider-ManTM in retail areas presented by Toys Kingdom as a retail operator," said Eddy as Supermal Director of Karawaci at a press conference, Friday, May 31.

Along with this series of Spider-Man events, Eddy revealed that as a form of Supermal Karawaci's concern for children with cancer who are struggling to fight their illness.

"We want to share our happiness by inviting children with cancer to watch the Spider-Man action in the film Spider-ManTM: Across The Spider-Verse in the XXI studio as a form of moral support," he said.

"We also provide support to the foundation that houses the Lentera of Cancer Fighters who oversee the children in the form of generators and wheelchairs for the operational needs of shelters during the treatment period of children," continued Eddy.

Marketing Director of Sony Pictures Entertainment Indonesia, Nita Astara welcomed the Spider-Man: Across The Spider-Verse event. He hopes that all audiences can enjoy and like the animated film.

"Spider-Man has started airing today. Hopefully everyone likes the film, because Spider-Man: Across The Spider-Verse is safe to watch by all ages," said Nita.

Meanwhile, the Founder of the Pelita Kasih Candle Foundation, which houses the Lentera of Cancer Fighters, Violin Leony Wijaya, admitted that he was happy and touched by the concern of Supermal Karawaci and Sony Pictures who wanted to give happiness to the children of cancer fighters. The cancer Fighter Lentera was founded on the basis of the founder's concern who is also a cancer fighter.

"I want to thank Mr. Eddy and Mrs. Nita for inviting us to this Spider-Man: Across The Spider-Verse event," said Violin.

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