JAKARTA - Anya Geraldine gets the challenge of acting differently in the film Spirit Doll. In this film, Anya plays Dara, the Queen of Horror who is divorced and has to raise her own child.

The unfortunate incident made Dara lose her child. Because Anya is not married, let alone has children, she admits that she is challenged when she plays a mother character".

"Actually, it's difficult or easy, it's the same, only that it's difficult for me here, I've never felt what it's like to lose a child, I've never married. So I have to look for it, I think the challenge is there," said Anya when met by reporters at the Gala Premiere Spirit Doll event in South Jakarta, Wednesday, May 31.

Untuk mendapatkan chemistry, Anya menghabiskan waktu bersama aktris cilik Anantya Rezky yang berperan sebagai Embun yaitu anak hanya wayang Dara untuk membangun ikatan dan lebih merasakan bagaimana menjadi seorang ibu.

"At that time we often talked, ate together, learned to paint together. I was with him during the reading process, the shooting process often stayed at the same hotel. I want to know what it's like to be close to a child, maybe I can feel like I'm a mother," said Anya.

Meanwhile, Anya ensured that Dara's character was a complex character and an up and down emotional condition so that it was also a challenge for her.

"Maybe this is the first time I can say that I've got a role whose character is compiled. Because from the start he was simple, ordinary people, continued to experience sadness in losing children, after that he started to become depressed, after depression became a demon, after that it was normal again," said Anya.

However, the challenges he faces in playing the character Dara are the reasons he is interested in acting in the film Spirit Doll.

Spirit Doll is a horror film directed by Azhar Kinoi Lubis and produced by Blue Water Films in collaboration with Goldenscene Pictures.

The film Spirit Doll tells the story of terror from a doll that is possessed by evil spirits. The spirit that resides in the doll haunts Dara and tries to influence her. The film is scheduled to hit Indonesian cinemas starting June 1.

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