YOGYAKARTA Taking care of children is not an easy task. Especially when you have made a plan, but the baby refuses. For example, when it comes to napping, children refuse because they are playing fun. With immediate creative tricks and easy to make the child, according to parents start lying.

Lawrence J. Cohen Ph.D., a teacher of parenting skills and the author, told the case of his colleague. Cohen's friend plays a Spanish film when his children don't want to take a nap. His son asked 'Why can't you understand the film?', and parents replied 'Because you're tired and it's time to take a nap.' Then when their children wake up and play the same film as English, they understand the language and think everything is fine.

When parents need a conflict solution, often emotional floods and find no other way than the growth of annoyance. Then lying to get a win is an option to do. A trick like Cohen's example reported by Psychology Today, Thursday, April 13, above may help occasionally. But unfortunately, this underlies that emotions cannot be tolerated.

Simply put, when lying so that children take a nap, parents cannot accept disappointment because their children refuse to take a nap. In addition to the example above, parents also choose to lie to avoid sadness. This means that they often lie to avoid telling the truth. It is different if you know the boundaries, so you can restore emotional balance and learn to deal with frustration and disappointment.

Learning requires training with a little frustration and disappointment. When children cry because they don't want to take a nap, parents are often angry. This makes children unable to manage feelings. So it's better, Cohen's advice, say, "Mother knows it's disappointing to stop playing and take a nap, and mother is here with you."

Maybe children cry or go berserk even with their parents full of warmth and affection. But they learn one thing, manage emotions and parents tolerate the emotions they feel without having to lie.

Honestly, children often feel cruel. But Cohen's advice, offer emotional support when they receive bad news. Good news about them having to stop playing and take a nap, or not eating candy at night. This emotional support can be in the form of anything children receive. Like hugs or protection and comfort and security.

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