JAKARTA - People who want to travel for Eid homecoming in 2023/1444 hijri with private vehicles, it is better to pay attention to a number of important things for comfort and safety during the trip to their hometowns.

An anthusiast off roader, Julian Johan, said that there are three important things that must be controlled by travelers so that the trip is more comfortable and also safe.

"The safe homecoming tip is divided into three, first the preparation of vehicles, preparation of goods to be brought during homecoming and the third is the important point, namely driving behavior," said Julian Johan as quoted by ANTARA, Monday, April 10.

In terms of vehicle preparation, it is hoped that the community will not only focus on replacing lubricants. There are various important components that must also be considered so that the homecoming journey is not tiring.

According to the man who is familiarly called Jeje, paying attention to the cooling system is also important. This will have a good impact when traveling that has various obstacles during the trip, especially when entering a dense area with hot weather.

"The cooling system is related to radiator water and do not let the radiator water decrease by itself or there is a leak. In addition, the fan of the radiator must also be checked, especially those who already use the electric fan the rotation is weak or still normal," he said.

Not only a cooling system that can provide a sense of security and comfort when driving remotely, braking components are also vital to watch out for. In addition, drivers who have not had time to rotate tires, should be considered before going home to their hometown.

For the next step, what needs to be considered is the arrangement of luggage in the vehicle. The appropriate arrangements will have a comfortable impact on the passengers and drivers in the vehicle.

"In essence, we must be able to put goods not only according to the type, but also with the weight. We must be able to adjust the items to the weight, we must put the goods with a heavy weight below or inside (if there is a roof box)," he explained.

The use of the roof box during the Eid homecoming season is often seen, innate which requires many private vehicle users to increase the transport range in their vehicles.

Even so, the improper use of the roof box actually has a bad impact on the driver, the passengers inside and also other road users.

"If we go home, we usually have a rooftop box, so we just put light things like clothes and others. Because if heavy goods are put above, the car will be more convex, the body will be higher and will certainly increase the danger during the trip," he said.

At the third stage, drivers are asked not to be reckless during the homecoming journey. Having traffic-abiding behavior will have a good impact during the trip and also go home.

What must be understood By motorists is that when on the way home, the vehicle will be fully filled. Therefore, motorists are required to have positive driving behavior.

"What must be considered is how we maneuver, don't let us maneuver like they are driving alone. With conditions that are heavy, the body is getting higher, our risk to experience twisting or slipping on the road is big, so it must be adjusted," he said.

With a heavy load, due to the full loading in the vehicle. Drivers are asked to remain vigilant, especially when doing braking.

"Because our car was heavier, so we tried to brake it from the start, so that it wouldn't be late and the brakes didn't smell like angus and our brakes didn't fall," he concluded.

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