JAKARTA - Ranty Maria and Rayn Wijaya have been in a romantic relationship for more than three years. After Rayn was baptized on April 8, Ranty seemed to be discussing the decision his girlfriend made. Not without reason, although he always hopes to have a boyfriend in the same faith, Ranty admits that he has never dated a man who believes in him before meeting Rayn. “ Praise God for all this time, I want to have a girlfriend of faith, because before that I did not have faith. Praise God (now) faith,” said Ranty Maria to the media crew in Bintaro, South Tangerang on Sunday, April 9. With the presidency of the 27-year-old actor, Rayn has fully expressed his faith in Jesus Christ. Even so, Ranty said that her lover had embraced Christianity before dating her. “ So, my girlfriend was baptized because she was previously from Buddhism. Then I got to know my girlfriend, she was actually a Christian. I'm the only one who took her to my church now. So she's already active in church, "” he said. Although grateful that his lover has been baptized, Ranty has not confirmed to marry his girlfriend in the near future. " “ If it's for marriage, maybe it won't take too long, but it won't be too fast either. Yes, maybe in three years, yes," said Ranty. " “ Just pray, yes, but I don't know either. Surely when you want to get married I'll tell you too. It's just not too long either, not too fast either," he continued. Claiming not to think much about wedding plans, Ranty Maria said that she is focusing on pursuing her career as well as saving for her future. “ Now the focus is on careers as well as savings. Because coincidentally, we are also looking for our sustenance. So all of us are careers, all of us save, ” concluded Ranty Maria.

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