JAKARTA - Two of Aldilla Jelita's best friends, Nana and Riry, were witnesses in the divorce suit trial against Indra Bekti which took place at the South Jakarta Religious Court (PA) on Monday, April 3 yesterday.

Nana, one of Dhila's friends, said that repeated quarrels were the reason her friend filed for divorce from Bekti. He admitted that he often mediated when Dhila had an argument with Bekti.

"I am a witness who always see small fights or differences of opinion between them. Sometimes I can intervene, sometimes I also leave it to all of them," said Meisya Nana at the South Jakarta Religious Court, Monday, April 3.

Furthermore, Nana also stated her assessment of Aldilla Jelita. He saw that the mother of two children had a principle that was not strong in living her household with Indra Bekti.

"But in the process, we understand because Dhila is a woman who already has standards, including in the household what it should be like," he said.

"When living it there are differences in principles, so I don't deny that one day he will have problems in his household journey. And that has happened up to how many times," he added.

Nana also said the reason she was willing to be a witness for Dhila. As a friend, he felt that he represented the feelings of a wife.

"I can only state what I've seen all this time. Even from Dhila, I represent the feelings of a wife, Dhila wants to be like this. But when we do not meet what we expect, we must also understand," concluded Nana.

As is well known, Dhila's divorce suit trial against Bekti took place on the agenda of hearing witness statements.

DALAM sidang yang berlangsung di PA Jakarta Selatan pada Senin, 3 April kemarin itu, Dhila membawa dua orang tesahabatnya sebagai saksi. Sementara itu, Indra Bekti sebagai tergugay sama sekali tidak menghadirkan saksi.

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