YOGYAKARTA In building a strong relationship, many things are needed. Including good communication, physical and emotional intimacy, and respect. These three aspects are key factors that are reflected in body language.

Body language is a natural or non-fabricated reaction. According to psychologist Mary Ann airing, Psy.D., saying "Bodyal language tells us about how someone interacting and talking to us really feels or thinks inside, reveals even more than the real words."

Body language directly reveals many things about the status of your relationship with your partner. Below, experts reported on Martha Stewart's page, Monday, April 3, registering the following six body language gestures show that you and your partner have a strong relationship.

A sign of a solid and loving relationship between you and your partner, is with body language that touches each other. If you say goodbye, holding hands reveals emotional closeness and long-term love in one relationship.

Imitating your partner's wetness is a sign of a strong connection, according toten House, dating and relationship experts. This can create synchronizity with a partner, which is a natural interconnection. Add House, it's like two people yawning together. It's a sign of the awareness that there is a connection or desire to connect with each other so that one feels not alone.

Often, what you think is expressed through your eyes. Eyes store very significant emotions. Sometimes, the view that stops at one person reveals many things. For example, if you stand on the opposite side in the room and meet, you and your partner are directly connected.

Standing opposite or sitting next to each other, if the body is leaning against each other, it shows that you are attracted to the thoughts and feelings of others. Including if experienced by two people who are in pairs. If they lean against each other, or align your face, it shows that the couple worship each other.

If you and your partner give each other a kiss when saying 'good night' or 'I'm leaving first, maybe a sign of a healthy relationship. More than that, when kissing lasts a few seconds, the possibility of your relationship with your partner is a healthy relationship. Depending on where to kiss, if on the lips is a sign of intimacy.

Talking to someone by crossing hands, may seem like a closed attitude. It's different when a partner shows each other's palms during swearing, shows openness, honesty, and openness. Also pay attention, when your hand movements are not excessive is a sign of a warm attitude.

Those are six body languages that mark the strength of a couple's relationship. Do you and your partner often unknowingly have the body language above?

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