JAKARTA - Buya Hamka film has many positive impacts on Vino G Bastian. Initially, Vino accepted this film because of the mother who converted to Islam for Buya Hamka's guidance. After the film was ready to air, many gave support.

Most recently, Buya Hamka received positive appreciation from the PP Muhammdiyah organization. "Thank you for the support provided for the Buya Hamka film. I hope this film will be a guide for the younger generation. The figure of Buya Hamka, according to him, has a separate place in his family life," said Vino when contacted Monday, April 3.

Apart from Vino G Bastian, the actors who contributed to this film were Laudya Chintya Bella playing the wife of Buya Hamka, Siti Raham, Anjasmara as Sukarno, Reza Rahardian as Tjokroaminoto, Donny Damara as Hajj Rasul, and various other top actors such as Ayu Laksmi, Marthino Lio, Reybong, Mawar De Jongh, Mathias Muchus Verdi Solaeman, Teuku Rifnu Wikana, Ben Kasyafani, Wafda Lubis, Ferry Salim, Donny Kesuma, Cok Simbara, Roy Sungkono, Yoriko Angeline, Ajil Ditto, Zayyan Sakha, and Yoga Pratama.

General Secretary of PP Muhammdiyah, Abdul Mu'ti appealed to Muhammadiyah residents and Muhammadiyah educational institutions to mobilize their masses to watch Buya Hamka films that hit theaters on April 20, 2023.

"The film Buya Hamka is not solely looking for profit, but building inspiration for the nation's children. That is why, seeing the big example of Buya Hamka, Muhammadiyah educational institutions, especially campuses that are owned to mobilize its masses to watch at once to enrich the values of Al Islam and Kemuhammadiyahan," said Abdul Mu'ti.

In addition, Abdul Mu'ti also added, Buya Hamka is part of Muhammadiyah. "We must fight for this Buya Hamka film because this is part of the dignity of Muhammadiyah residents and Muslims," he added.

Support for Buya Hamka film was also conveyed by the Chancellor of UHAMKA University, Gunawan Suryoputro. He agreed to encourage the academic community at the UHAMKA campus to watch Buya Hamka film. He hopes they get inspiration. Moreover, according to him, UHAMKA has a mission to reduce Buya Hamka's Advancing character to its students.

"Of course our motto here mentions young Hamka-Hamka, because he has talent, self-taught, learning throughout his life. It's a motivation for us to be young Hamka-Hamka," he said.

Buya Hamka Film Director, Fajar Bustomi expressed his gratitude for the support of PP Muhamadiyah and UHAMKA by mobilizing the crowd to watch Buya Hamka. "Thank you for your support, for the Buya Hamka film. Hopefully, on April 20, 2023, cinemas will be enlivened with Buya Hamka lovers. Because, the idea of Buya Hamka film is very good for our country, because what is done from childhood life to old age is full of examples," he said.

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