JAKARTA - The Indonesian Film Producers Association or APROFI released guidelines for preventing and handling sexual violence that can be accessed publicly. This guide is the result of work carried out by the compilation team consisting of Indonesian producers.

Friday, March 30, part of the compilation team explained the presence of guidelines for preventing and handling sexual violence departing from several cases that occurred in film production. This creates film potential as well as the lack of human resources that participate in developing the film industry.

Actually, APROFI's focus is a lot, so there is a special department, but indeed the problem of preventing sexual violence has not yet been tackled. And we think because the head of production is the producer, who else," said Mira Lesmana as one of the compiling teams in South Jakarta.

"When it comes to working hours, we collaborated with the ICS (Indonesia Cinematographer Society). Regarding other things, the standardization of workers is part of the industry, so it is not APROFI that issues it, but we have representatives from the Ministry of Education and Culture and from us," said Sheila Timothy.

APROFI launched a guidebook approved by 42 production houses in Indonesia. They hope this guide can prevent unwanted things from being produced in films.

This is a guide for production and can be accessed by all parties for production. This means that APROFI here initiates it as the parent, but these members can be used for production. We work with other associations that come from various things," explained Mira Lesmana.

"In this production area, we make a guide for our production friends to save our friends. All APROFI members signed the fact of integrity, namely avoiding sexual violence and criminal acts," said Edwin Nazir as the Chair of APROFI.

"Produser will definitely issue a contract before production. In this contract, we will include a clause of sexual violence so what happened he ran to the SOP but those who have the power of the contract and are all bound by it," said Sheila Timothy.

"This situation can be very extreme. Because maybe APROFI members are safe, but in other production, interns become victims. Because industry is developing, this standard helps people to know and dare to speak up," said Gina S. Noer.

Entering the 10th year, APROFI also appointed Edwin Nazir as General Chair for the second period 2022-2025. In addition, another administrator for this period was: Linda Gozali as Secretary General, Haykal Kamil as General Treasurer, Aoura L. Chandra as Head of Public Relations,ctional Marahimin as Head of Human Resource Development, Yulia Evina Bhara as Head of International Relations, and Meiske Taurisia as Chair of Policy. As for the Advisory Council, there are Mira Lesmana, Shanty Harmayn, Sheila Timothy, and Fauzan Zidni.

Guidelines for the Prevention and Handling of Sexual Violence in Film Production were made by the Pengusun Team, namely Mira Lesmana, Humah Marahimin, Ifa Isfansyah, Meiske Taurisia, Gina S. Noer, Fauzan Zidni, Linda Gozali, Haykal Kamil, and Edwin Nazir.

In addition, APROFI also released Standard Operating Procedures for Intimate Scenes in Films that often have the potential to create sexual violence in production.

"We also made a selection of intimate scenes specifically to protect all parties involved in the shooting, especially to create the comfort and security of the actors' work who had to do the scene for the sake of the scenario," saidOKin Marahimin.

All guides released by APROFI can be accessed publicly via aprofession.id.

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