JAKARTA - Natasha Wilona is known to be close to several handsome actors, including Verrell Bramasta and Aliando Syarief. The actress's closeness to her ex, Verrell is often rumored that they are back. Meanwhile, regarding their close relationship with Aliando, many fans are baper and hope they are dating.

Wilona, who recently created a program on her YouTube channel, has also invited Verrell as a guest star and will also present Aliando as a guest star in the future.

"Actually, it's like Verrell and Aliando, we are good friends. So we're not afraid to suddenly invite them to be guest stars. They also want to," said Natasha Wilona in Kebayoran Baru, South Jakarta on Monday, March 27.

Especially Aliando, Wilona said that the actor himself contacted him and invited him to create content together.

"Suddenly Aliando made a video call me. He's like 'Wil, you've made Youtube, right now? It's really bad not to invite, we're making something new'. I'm surprised why this kid is suddenly like this," said Wilona.

Meanwhile, regarding their close relationship with Verrell, Wilona said the two were still supporting each other even though they had broken up for a long time. However, when asked about the possibility of returning to dating Verrell, Wilona actually wished her ex the best mate.

"If my soul mate always prays for my ex-former to get the best mate, that's for sure. I hope they also wish me a mate," said Natasha Wilona.

"Right now we are friends, more to friends, support each other and Verrell is really one of the people I've known for a long time," he concluded.

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