JAKARTA Pertamina Geothermal Energy (PGE) consistently develops the Kamojang Geothermal Working Area (WKP) as a tangible form in maintaining a number of achievements that have been achieved.

As the oldest area where PGE started its exploration process since 1974, until now PGE has implemented an Operational Excellence supported by the implementation of the Geothermal Integrated Management System in the Kamojang Area.

"This achievement is a mandate that must be maintained as well as improved. Of course, the success achieved by PGE cannot be separated from the cooperation and support of many parties," said General Manager of PGE Area Kamojang, Rahmad Harahap quoting a written statement, Friday, May 19.

One of the best achievements of the Kamojang Area is the award given by the Ministry of Environment and Forestry (KLHK). For 12 consecutive years, starting from 2011 to 2022, the Kamojang Area has successfully received the Golden PROPER award.

"We got this Gold PROPER award through the presence of the flagship program CSR KANG ELIE (Kamojang Green Living Ecosystem). Through this program, we are trying to create a sustainable and environmentally friendly community empowerment ecosystem," explained Rahmad.

Rahmad also added that there is a Geothermal Information Center (GIC) in the Kamojang Area. This place is an information center and museum that can be a reference for the community and schools around West Java regarding geothermal activities.

In this Kamojang Area, Rahmad revealed, the total installed capacity is 235 megawatts (MW). This number is capable of supplying electricity up to 260,000 households in the surrounding area.

"This ability has the potential to reduce emissions to 1,222,000 tCO2 per year. In addition, this Kamojang area can save oil and gas reserves of up to 11,115 BOEPD," said Rahmad.

In total, of the five PLTP units in the Kamojang Area, there were 235 megawatts of electricity distributed. The details are that the Unit 1 PLTP started operating in 1983 to distribute 30 MW of vapor, PLTP Unit 2 and 3 operated to distribute 55 MW of vapor each, and PLTP Unit 4 operated to distribute 60 MW of electricity. The fifth unit was carried out in 2015 by distributing 35 MW of electricity.

"We continue to optimize this to help the community," concluded Rahmad.

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