JAKARTA - Not a few individuals are interested in opening a business. However, many are confused about starting a business. One of the popular business choices is running a franchise or franchise business. When compared to building your own business, franchise business methods are certainly easier to run and also more flexible.

Therefore, it is not surprising that there are many people who are interested and look for ways to open a franchise. The business opportunities for franchises in Indonesia are quite high, considering that there are many types of franchises that you can choose from culinary businesses, minimarkets, to expedition services.

To run a franchise business, there are indeed more ways or conditions needed when compared to starting your own business. If you are interested in running a franchise business, quoted from various sources, here are ways to open your business franchise.

SOP stands for Standard Operating Procedure or Standard Operating Procedure, which is the standard rule for carrying out work in accordance with applicable company standards. SOP aims to maintain performance to become the standard employee duties.

With a clear SOP, your franchise business will still have the best quality in terms of products to consumer services. The SOP you make must also be easy to do. In making SOPs, you can ask your company team for opinions in order to get various favorable inputs.

The next step is to make sure your brand or brand is registered with Intellectual Property Rights or HAKI. In HAKI, there are Copyright, Brand Rights, and Patents. Why is it important to register on HAKI? The reason is, your brand and product are the identities of your company.

That way, you need to protect your company's identity. In addition, being registered with HAKI is also an important step to protect your product or brand if there are other parties who imitate your product or brand. That way, you can take it to court.

Make sure if your brand or product has attractive characteristics. The goal is that your product or brand can be distinguished from other brands. In addition, interesting characteristics can be your business identity in society.

An interesting characteristic can also make your product sales better because they have a clear identity. So, make sure that your company has interesting characteristics.

The next requirement is that your company has a clear history or financial record. With a clear financial record history, you can find out about the business developments you are developing.

Tidak hanya itu, catatan keuangan yang jelas juga menjadi bukti bahwa perusahaan Anda dijalankan dengan benar dan menjadi salah satu poin penting untuk memasujukan calon franchise atau terbawaraba yang akan membeli franchise dari Anda.

The next point is that the owner of the franchise or franchise needs to provide full support for the franchise or the party that buys the franchise from your company. The support provided also includes everything.

You can provide support starting from training or training to run your franchise business model. In addition, provide other support such as raw material support, equipment for franchises, human resources, employee uniforms, and other support.

The next tip is that your company needs to have evidence that your business is profitable. The business you run has at least a successful and well-developed business method.

To open a franchise, you also need to meet important documents as a requirement and also to support your business activities. Some documents that you need to fulfill start from business owners' identities, organizational structures, franchise lists, business balances over the past 2 years, licensing documents, contract letters, agreement letters, copies of franchise business licenses, labor details, and other documents.

To register a franchise business, you can register it with the Ministry of Trade based on PP No. 42 of 2007 Chapter V. In addition, you also need to set purchase packages ranging from costs to equipment for franchises that will later be given to franchises.

He explained how to open a franchise. Opening a franchise can not only help business people, but also be a way of promoting and increasing good sales for a company.

For those of you who want your business to have many branches, you can take advantage of the Supply Chain Financing service from People's Capital by Fazz. This service you can recommend other business people to be a franchise of your business.

In addition, this service will help business people to finance the initial needs of their franchise business, ranging from meeting capital needs to buying raw materials provided by the franchise. Not only the franchise, but the Supply Chain Financing service also benefits the franchise because it can help your business develop faster in large numbers.

Use the People's Capital Service from Fazz to build your franchise business. Enjoy the convenience and advantages of building a business with Fazz! (ADV)

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