YOGYAKARTA - At this time, the development of payment methods has been running towards cashless transactions or non-cash businesses. This non-cash procedure is also adapted by the state, through the publication of government credit cards, in the context of implementing the State Revenue and Expenditure Budget (APBN). Let's find out what a government credit card is!

This special credit card, which is used by the government, was issued to support the Strategic Initiative of the Bureaucratic Reform Program and to Transfer the Institutional form of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Indonesia from 2013 to 2025. One of these strategic initiatives is the management of State financial liquidity with modern finances and is able to support financial inclusion.

Basically, the financing of the government budget is divided into 2 types, namely inventory money, as well as direct payments. In the supply money method, the payment method is directly regulated by the treasurer and used for operational needs. This method is tried in cash. Meanwhile, in direct payments, the procedure used is a cashless business.

Transactions are carried out on office operational goods to business trips, and are carried out through direct transfers from national cash accounts to accounts of parties that provide or sell all needs. This method is usually used to pay for the contracts of state civil servants (ASN), employee income, food assistance, overtime money and performance allowances, and payment for goods for official travel.

Referring to efforts to carry out calculations in APBN payments in a non-cash manner, until the government as of July 1, 2019 has inaugurated the government credit card.

Quoting the official website of the Ministry of Finance (Kemenkeu), government credit cards are payment equipment by using a card, which can be used to carry out payments for shopping that can be weighted on the state budget.

You could say that the government credit card is a form of corporate card. The difference is, this card is used by the state work unit (Satker), to make payments for the state shopping business.

In a simple way, government credit cards act like installment cards normally. However, the government's credit card is only specifically used to shop for goods that are financed by inventory money.

Not only that, this card is only used for special people, and is used for special bill business. However, in principle, the government credit card is similar to the installment card in circulation, namely the role of the card owner that will be crowded by the bank as the publisher.

Then, the card owner will carry out his obligations in paying payments to his transactions at an approved time. The use of government credit cards is tried by observing some of the principles, namely:

So after knowing what a government credit card is, see other interesting news on VOI, it's time to revolutionize news!

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