JAKARTA - Culinary is designated as the leading creative economy sub-sector for Pangkalpinang City, Bangka Belitung. This is expected to support the development of the creative economy in the city.

Later, this will have an impact on improving the economy and opening up employment opportunities for the community.

"This is one of the government's efforts to encourage the revival of the creative economy and facilitate creative economy actors as well as MSME players in exploring and developing creative and innovative ideas that have added value and high selling value," said Menparekraf Sandiaga Uno in his official statement, Saturday, February 15.

The determination of culinary as the leading creative economy sub-sector of Pangkalpinang City is carried out through a series of PMK3I (Indonesian Creative City Regency Assessment) picking tests. This picking test takes place from 10 to 13 April 2023 by involving pentahelix stakeholders ranging from academics, businesses, communities, local governments, and the media.

Furthermore, the signing of the PMK3I Test Results Ceremony was carried out which contained the commitment to develop the creative economy of Pangkalpinang City, on Thursday, April 13.

The minutes were signed by the Mayor of Pangkalpinang, represented by the Assistant for General Administration of the Regional Secretariat of Pangkalpinang City and the Director of Creative Economy Infrastructure of the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy represented by the Policy Analyst of the Madya Expert.

Meanwhile, the Director of Creative Economy Infrastructure of the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy, Hariyanto, explained that PMK3I aims to identify the potential of the creative economy ecosystem in districts/cities on a bottom-up basis through the preparation and picking test mechanisms.

Pangkalpinang City is the second district/city to undergo a picking test process in 2023 and become the 74th regencies/cities that are included in the Indonesian Creative Regency/City (KaTa Kreatif) ecosystem.

"And become part of the Regency/City Creative Network (Creative Words)," he said.

In this PMK3I picking test activity, the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy carried out field verification to 18 locations/perpetrators from 4 sub-sectors of the creative economy to discuss and conduct direct interviews.

"It is hoped that since the signing of the minutes, all Pangkalpinang City stakeholders can jointly strengthen the creative economy ecosystem of Pangkalpinang City with a culinary sub-sector as a host that will strengthen the identity of the city, improve the welfare of the perpetrators, and encourage the development of the city's economy as a whole," he added.

The city of Pangkalpinang also had the opportunity to participate in the selection of the Indonesian Creative City/Regency Determination (KaTa Kreatif) and had the opportunity to also get assistance to volunteer to become a member of the UNESCO Creative City Network (UCCN).

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