JAKARTA - The Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) through the Director General of New Renewable Energy and Energy Conservation (EBTKE) Dadan Kusdiana revealed that the government is targeting the conversion of fuel motorcycles into electric motorcycles in 2023 of 50,000 units.

"The target recipients of government assistance in 2023 are 50,000 units and next year, God willing, we will increase it to 150,000 units," Dadan said in the Government Assistance Socialization of the Electric Motor Conversion Program, Tuesday, April 4.

Dadan added that the government assistance provided was IDR 7 million per converted motorbike.

This amount is equivalent to half the cost for this year.

"We hope that in the future with the development of the component fabrication side, the total cost of this conversion can be lowered," continued Dadan.

Dadan said that people can save up to IDR 2.7 million on Pertalite fuel spending by converting to electric motorcycles.

"The benefit that can be felt by the owner of a motorcycle from this program is the calculation of the Pertalite figure last month, amounting to IDR 2.77 million per year per motorcycle,"

In addition, the government is also ensured to be able to save the cost of subsidized fuel compensation of up to Rp. 18.6 billion.

"This is if we convert 50 thousand units. Then additional electricity consumption of 15.2 GWh, reducing emissions by 30,000 tons and reducing fuel imports by 20,000 KL and directly saving state foreign exchange of 10 million US dollars," explained Dadan.

In addition, this conversion program is also ensured to create new jobs from conversion workshops, both those that have been formed and those that have been newly formed and the emergence of a component industry that supports conversion activities.

Dadan added that the provision of government assistance was carried out by the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources to the community through a conversion workshop based on the results of verification that would be carried out by the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources.

Currently, there are 21 conversion workshops that have received certificates from the Ministry of Savings with a total conversion capacity of almost 2000 units per month.

"So to meet the conversion target, as many as 50 thousand units are needed additional from the existing conversion workshop," he said.

For this reason, the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources and the Ministry of Transportation will conduct training in several places, including in Bandung, Semarang, Surabaya, Medan, Denpasar, Mataram, Kupang and Balikpaann so that it is expected to increase the conversion capacity to nearly 1 million units per year.

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