JAKARTA - The Indonesian government provides 50 percent of teacher professional allowances and 50 percent of professional allowances for teachers and lecturers who do not receive performance allowances or additional income in the 2023 holiday allowance (THR).

"What is different and we add to the THR payment and the 13th salary this year is for teachers and lecturers who do not get performance allowances or additional income, given 50 percent of teacher professional allowances and 50 percent of lecturer professional allowances," said Finance Minister Sri Mulyani as quoted by Antara, Wednesday, March 29.

In the virtual press conference, Minister of Finance Sri Mulyani said, THR 2023 for state civil servants (ASN) and retirees is given a salary or basic pension plus allowances attached to basic salary or pensions, as well as 50 percent of performance allowances per month for those who receive performance allowances.

Allowances attached to salary or basic pensions consist of family allowances, food allowances, and structural position allowances, functionals or other general allowances.

"Of course it is hoped that the payment of holiday allowances can also contribute to encouraging community economic activities through various shopping activities during Ramadan and ahead of this year's Eid al-Fitr," he said.

The THR budget allocation in the 2023 State Budget, namely in the ministry and institution budget, has been allocated Rp11.7 trillion for THR payments for central ASN, TNI and Polri soldiers, and state officials.

Then, the THR budget allocation through general allocation funds is around Rp. 17.4 trillion for regional ASN, namely regional civil servants and government employees with a performance agreement (PPPK), and can be added from the 2023 Regional Revenue and Expenditure Budget (APBD) according to the fiscal capacity of each regional government.

Furthermore, the source of the 2023 THR payment is the State General Treasurer of Rp9.8 trillion for retirees and retirees.

Sri Mulyani said that ministries and institutions could immediately submit a payment order to the State Treasury Service Office (KPPN) starting from D-10 Eid Al-Fitr and adjusting to the stipulation of leave that had been announced by the government regarding the joint leave of Eid al-Fitr.

In addition, the Ministry of Home Affairs will instruct all local governments to immediately complete the preparation of regional head regulations (Perkada) regarding THR payments and 13th Salaries this week so that THR payments, especially for regional ASN, can start on D-10 Eid Al-Fitr.

If the THR has not been paid for something before Eid al-Fitr, it does not mean that the THR is charred, but can still be paid after Eid al-Fitr.

"However, we will continue to appeal and work together with all ministries, institutions and local governments so that THR can be accepted before Eid al-Fitr," he said.

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