JAKARTA - The Ministry of Transportation through the Directorate General of Sea Relations (Ditjen Hubla) asked all ships to be checked for negligence.

This step was taken considering the number of travelers this year is expected to increase.

The instructions were conveyed to the Heads of the Kesyahbandaran Office, the Head of the Batam Special KSOP, the Head of KSOP Class I to IV and the Head of UPP Class I Sampi III conducted a ship's seaworthiness test on all ships in the working area.

This was stated by the Daily Executive Director General of Sea Transportation of the Ministry of Transportation, Capt Antoni Arif Priadi when opening coordination meetings between officers, related agencies, service providers and associations directly involved in the Implementation of Eid Sea Transportation in 2023 (1444 Hijri).

"Security and safety of ships are the main things in transportation mode, for that it must always be considered and prioritized," he said in an official statement, Tuesday, March 28.

In addition, he said, it is also necessary to prepare good planning in managing traffic management in order to avoid the accumulation of passengers during the homecoming and backflow of Lebaran 2023 later.

"The Directorate General of Sea Transportation has also played an active role in preparing for Eid homecoming transportation in 2023 which will use sea transportation services to ensure the safety and health of passengers, crew members, and port officers, while still implementing health protocols," he said.

Antoni advised the heads of the Technical Implementation Unit (UPT) within the Directorate General of Sea Transportation, passenger terminals, and ship operators to form a Lebaran Sea Transport service post in 2023 in each working area.

"The establishment of service pokso also needs to involve relevant agencies and stakeholders at the port and report their development every day to the Head Office Post of the Directorate General of Hubla," he said.

Antoni also ordered all passengers and officers at both passenger terminals and on ships to always apply Health protocols and increase supervision of shipping safety and security.

Furthermore, Antoni said officers must also coordinate with relevant agencies and stakeholders, including with the local BMKG to disseminate weather forecasts from BMKG to maritime communities to be aware of bad weather.

"I also ask to optimize the potential of the fleet in their respective regions, especially the sections with the highest number of passengers on the homecoming/reverse flow so as to reduce the accumulation of passengers," he said.

Meanwhile, the Director of Sea and Traffic Transportation of the Ministry of Transportation, Capt. Hendri Ginting said the purpose of organizing the Coordination Meeting today was to equalize the views and perceptions of government ministries/institutions, UPT Directorate General of Sea Transportation, Port Business Entities and Sea Transportation Companies in the Implementation of Eid Sea Transportation in 2023.

"In addition, this coordination meeting is to integrate the monitoring operation plan and prepare preparation and anticipation steps in the implementation of sea transportation monitoring and control during the 2023 angle," said Hendri.

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