YOGYAKARTA Knowing how to make a priority scale is the basic ability needed to achieve the desired target. This knowledge will help workers, students, or people in general to achieve the desired target or success. Being able to make a priority scale is also a tip to make life more organized.

Knowing how to determine a priority scale will help a person think more clearly because it will help them get out of their work targets or situations that are complicated and equally important. To determine this, there are several things to know.

In the KBBI, the scale has three understandings, one of which is the comparison of the size of the image and so on with the actual situation. While priority is prioritized and prioritized rather than others.

From this understanding, it can be concluded that the priority scale is a situation in which a person compares the need based on the urgency of a work or condition to take precedence. Based on the priority scale, it is not only done to achieve certain targets but also to achieve effectiveness so that the work is completed.

To prepare a priority scale, there are several things to consider, namely as follows.

Urgency is a must that is very urgent in nature. The status of urgency can be attached to work, targets, or conditions that must be followed up immediately because it has risks that must be avoided when not carried out as soon as possible.

For example, you are required to get to the office immediately because of a very important job. At the same time you also have to take a shower before you get to the office. Unfortunately you can only do one of your needs.

In this case study, the urgency to arrive at the office is certainly more urgent to do than the need for a shower. You can take a bath on another occasion. Meanwhile, until the office on time has greater urgency.

Risks are an unpleasant result (harming, harming) of an act or action. This factor must also be considered when formulating a priority scale. Each action has different risks. On the other hand you cannot accept a big risk.

When faced with several options, consider the risks you may get. You can choose the lightest risk of your choice.

Priority scale is very close to urgent time. You can't do much work at one time, therefore choose one that you might do right away.

For example, at the 30th age, you are faced with a career choice or a pleasant holiday experience. On the other hand, you also have to meet your financial needs. Taking into account your age and time, you can choose to start building a career.

Priority scale Baganan adalah sebuah gambaran yang didasarkan pada analisis. Anda bisa membuat chart untuk menentukan urbanasi suatu pekerjaan. Bagan tersebut bisa disusun dengan lebih dulu mengambahkan beberapa pertanyaan untuk dirinya. Adapun pertanyaan tersebut adalah sebagai berikut.

That's how to make a priority scale. To get other interesting information, visit VOI.ID.

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