JAKARTA Asa Donald Trump has again run for President of the United States of the Republic in 2024 is in danger of being dashed after the New York Manhattan Court's jury charged him with committing a number of criminal acts.

Trump's indictment began in 2018 over a $130,000 case against porn star Stormy Daniels ahead of the 2016 elections.

Trump, who was campaigning for the presidential election, reportedly deliberately gave the money so that Daniels would not reveal his illicit relationship to the public. Trump's former lawyer, Michael Cohen then arranged the giving of money through a shell company by falsifying his business record.

"Falsifying business records is usually a minor offense under New York law, but it can be raised to a criminal act if it is committed to cover up other crimes," CNBC International wrote.

Another crime in question is to undermine the integrity of the 2016 presidential election and other election law violations. Of course also Trump's betrayal of his wife, Melania, who at that time had just given birth to their son, Barron.

It was from that case that a massive investigation into Trump's finances was carried out.

Cohen has served a sentence in federal prison after pleading guilty in 2018 to tax evasion and breach of campaign funds in connection with the payment of bribes against Daniels.

Trump on April 4, 2023, also underwent an indictment against him at the Manhattan District Court. Trump admitted that he had replaced Cohen's money to Daniels, citing Reuters, but denied having had sexual relations with him.

"Not guilty," said Trump, who is 76 years old, delivering his defense.

Trump previously did not deny that the charges that ensnared him tended to lead to political affairs, among others in order to thwart his move to become a presidential candidate. He has repeatedly accused Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg, a democrat, of targeting him because of political hostility.

Some observers think it is quite easy to block Trump's current political steps. Fani Willis Regional Prosecutor in Fulton County, Georgia is considering whether to file an indictment against him over the alleged destruction of the 2020 presidential election results won by Joe Biden.

Not to mention in Washington about the discovery of sensitive government documents at his residence, Mar-a-Lago, and allegations of fraud that have spread for more than a decade in Newyork that have been rolling since September 2022.

Although Trump has denied all of that, the public still believes there has been a major scandal against the 45th former United States President.

"No wonder people believe that it's not only the criminal court Trump will aim for, but it may also be the divorce court," The Mirror wrote on April 4, 2023.

As a wife, Melania is certainly devastated to hear the news. Despite living together in Mar-A-Lago, they reportedly had separate lives, only hanging out for dinner occasionally at his home in Palm Beach.

"Melania is no different from any woman. Her husband is accused of having an affair not only once but twice is an extraordinary thing," a source told The Mirror.

However, it seems Melania is still strong. She realized who Trump was and would continue to support her husband through these difficult times.

That's what he did. They are a family," wrote the British mass media.

Sex scandals involving the President of the United States are common. There are at least eight of the most famous sex scandals involving the leader of the superpower, apart from Donald Trump.

The 32nd US President, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, was involved in an affair with Lucy Total Rutherford, who is the personal secretary ofUL Roosevelt, the First Lady. According to The New York Times, the affair began in 1914. Long before Roosevelt was elected US President on March 4, 1933, and continued throughout Roosevelt's two terms in power.

Roosevelt and cap are reportedly divorced religiously, but still listed as husband and wife on civilian records. Their marriage lasted until Roosevelt died on April 12, 1945.

34th US President David Eisenhower also experienced it. Eisenhower reportedly cheated on Kay Summersby, an officer of the British Army's transportation division during World War II.

Their relationship continued, even when Eisenhower was elected US President in 1953 to 1961. On the other hand, his marriage to Mamie Doud since 1916 lasted until Eisenhower died in 1969. Summersby wrote her love story with the President in a book called Past Forgetting: My Love Affairs with fire. Eisenhower.

John Total Kennedy, who is the 35th US President, also experienced it. The president of the US, who is said to be the most attractive, is known to have played a number of love scandals, ranging from school friends to staff at the White House.

The Atlantic in 2012 submitted an article acknowledging TRUEline Kennedy, John's ex-wife, that her husband often swam naked in the White House swimming pool with two of his secretaries named Priscilla Wear and Jill Cowen. John F. Kennedy's most famous affair, before being killed in Dallas, Texas in 1963, of course with actress Marilyn Monroe.

The 36th US President, Lyndon Baines Johnson is also said to have committed a number of infidelitys. However, rumors about Johnson's affair were always accompanied by his wife, Lady Bird Johnson, who was married in 1934. The Oklahoman newspaper once submitted an article about Johnson having children out of marriage.

President Gerald Ford is also rumored to have had an affair outside of his marriage to Betty Ford. The 38th US President was reported by The Washington Post to have a scandal with East German intelligence agent Ellen Rometsch who was eventually deported.

George Bush Sr and George Bush Jr., the father and son who became the 41st US President and 43 are also reportedly having an affair. In The Matriach book: Barbara Bush and the Making of an American Dynasty by Susan Page, it is stated that Barbara Bush, Bush's wife, had attempted suicide after finding out that her husband was having an affair with Jennifer totaling, one of her staff.

Bush Jr., who ruled in 2001-2009, reportedly had a scandal with two women, Margie Schoedinger and Tammy Phillips. Even Schoedinger once demanded Bush Jr on a civil basis, even though he eventually died because the woman died from suicide in 2003.

Bill Clinton has also been caught up in the issue of infidelity, even the scandal broke out when he served as the 42nd US President in the period January 20, 1993-20 January 2001.

In 1994, a Arkansas woman named Paulo Jones demanded Clinton sexually abused her while still serving as Governor of Arkansas. However, Clinton denied it quickly, the accusations ended up yawning.

A few years later, Clinton was again hit by the issue of an affair with White House intern Monica Lewinsky. Reportedly, the affair took place for a year and a half before Monica was transferred to the Pentagon in April 1996.

Lewinsky's confession and a series of other evidence, including footage given by Tripp and a dress that was exposed to sperm, made Clinton unable to dodge.

The Judiciary Committee officially impeached Bill Clinton from his position as President of the United States in a trial on December 19, 1998.

Then, on February 12, 1999, the trial continued to the Senate level. Many members found Clinton not guilty. Finally, impeachment of the President could not be carried out. Bill Clinton remains as president until the end of his tenure.

Despite being hit hard, Hillary Clinton as the first lady is also trying hard. In a forum on religion and politics in Washington in 2007, Hillary said only God could make her strong. Helps overcome anger over her husband's betrayal.

"I'm not sure if I can get through that without my faith," Hillary said as reported by AFP in June 2007.

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