Information openness is a necessity in the present era. Anyone can submit a request for disclosure of information to a public body or institution as long as this is not included in the matters which are excluded by law from disclosing the information. Gede Narayana, as the Chairperson of the Central Information Commission (KI) 2017-2021, was very enthusiastic about the disclosure of information and crucial programs that will be carried out by his institution in the future, to the VOI.ID team he shared his ideas.
There are still many parties who do not understand the role and function of the Information Commission at the national (central), provincial and district / city levels. Therefore, Nara - as she is usually called - patiently explains how the institution she leads can be present in the midst of society and at the same time explains its function and role in supporting development.
Before serving as Chairman of the Central Information Commission, the man who was born in Jakarta, March 27, 1968, took up sports. In his teenage years, he has made achievements in badminton. While in college, he was active in the world of movement. The Indonesian National Student Movement (GMNI) is the student organization he chose.
This alumni of the Master of Science from the University of Hindu Indonesia (UNHI) Bali is phenomenal. He had served as a commissioner in three different public institutions, including the Commissioner for the Central Jakarta KPU, the Jakarta KI Commissioner, and now the Central KI Commissioner and at the same time served as the Chairperson of the Central KI.
Gede Narayana. (Photo: Savic Rabos, DI: Raga / VOI)
Nara has a firm principle in organizing. "Don't make a living in the organization, but live the organization" this is the principle he has held so far. No wonder he is determined to be economically independent, as a consequence he has to take a hiatus from the organization. He had worked in Japan for five years. After returning from the land of Sakura, Nara started the business world by opening a courier business.
The man who also serves as the Chairperson of the DKI Jakarta Hindu Prajaniti started his work as a Commissioner of the Central Jakarta KPU (General Election Commission) in 2008. This work continued with his position as Commissioner of the DKI Jakarta Information Commission (KI) in 2013 and continued to become Commissioner for the third period of KI Pusat 2017-2021.
"Now that the public is open and involved in requests for public information, our priority program is the public information disclosure index. How KIP is understood not only by public bodies but by all. If this public information disclosure index can be implemented, it can be illustrated how the public's participation will be, "he said.
At the end of his tenure as Chairman of the Central KI, he hopes that public bodies or institutions as well as the public can consistently carry out information disclosure. "Because in the end the disclosure of public information will improve people's welfare and reduce poverty. The current definition of poverty according to the World Bank is not only people who cannot work and cannot eat, but poverty in current terminology is people who cannot do something. For him to do something for himself he needs information. So let's ground this spirit of public information openness for the sake of our nation and country, "he said to Edy Suherli, Iqbal Irsyad, Savic Rabos and Irfan Meidianto from VOI.ID who visited him at the Central Information Commission office, Wisma BSG 9th Floor, Jalan Abdul Muis No. . 40, Gambir, Central Jakarta, recently. This is the full interview excerpt.
What underlies the presence of the Information Commission (KI) in Indonesia?
We have Law No. 14 of 2008 on Freedom of Information. This law mandates an institution called the Information Commission which is abbreviated as KI. This information commission exists at the National (central) level, Provincial level and Regency / City level. So this institution at the central level is called the Central KI, then at the provincial level there is the Provincial KI and it can also be formed at the Regency / City level, abbreviated as Regency / City KI. So KI was born because of Law No. 14 of 2008 on Freedom of Information (KIP).
Then what underlies the birth of Law No. 14 of 2008?
The basis for the birth of this law is article 28f of the 1945 Constitution. In that article it is stated that there is a constitutional right, every citizen has the right to obtain and develop information for the benefit of himself and his group. Then Indonesia is a democracy. One of the parameters of a democratic country is the existence of general elections. In a democratic country, public information disclosure is a necessity. And next is the realization of good, clean, effective and efficient governance or good governance. These three foundations gave birth to the Freedom of Information Law. From this law, the independent Information Commission (KI) was born.
So the position of KI is independent?
Oh yes, KI is an independent agency implementing the UU KIP. KI issues technical service regulation instructions in its applied language called Perki (Information Commission Regulation). And resolve disputes over information both by means of non-litigation and mediation adjudication mechanisms. This is if there is a difference in understanding.
So far, what kind of socialization has been carried out to the public?
Before we, from KI, carry out our duties in accordance with the mandate of the KIP Law, we must provide an understanding or socialization. The public and other public bodies must be educated. That's why at KI there are areas of advocacy, outreach and education. KI must also communicate and synergize with other state institutions, its position is not in opposition.
For the Central KI, what activities are carried out?
As the implementer of UU KIP, to implement it, we must work together and communicate. If there are differences in understanding, it is resolved by non-litigation adjudication and mediation. There is also research and science development for Central KI. There is research and assessment at the Central KI. Meanwhile, Provincial and Regency / City KIs do not have this division.
Gede Narayana. (Photo: Savic Rabos, DI: Raga / VOI)
What information can state agencies or institutions provide to the public, can they all be disclosed or specific?
Public Information according to the Law is information generated, stored, managed, sent, and / or received by a public body related to the administration and administration of the state and / or the organizers and administration of other public bodies in accordance with this Law as well as other information relating to the public interest. Public bodies that produce information that is conveyed to the public through the latest technology. Which public information can be shared with the public is that which is open. So there are other types of closed information that cannot be shared with the public. Policies, profiles of public officials, financial reports and so on can be accessed by the public.
What types of information cannot be shared with the public?
According to article 17 of the KIP Law, there are several things that cannot be shared with the public. Such as public information which, if disclosed and provided, can hinder the law enforcement process, hinder the investigation and investigation of a criminal act. Then reveal the identity of the informant, reporter, witness, and / or victim who is aware of the criminal act. Then disclose criminal intelligence data and plans related to the prevention and handling of all forms of transnational crime. The other is information that is endangering the safety and life of law enforcers and / or their families.
Have all public agencies or institutions implemented information disclosure?
Many public bodies and institutions have implemented information disclosure to the public. However, there are still many public bodies and public institutions at the central and regional levels that have not implemented information disclosure. To monitor it, there is such a thing as monitoring and evaluation (monev). Monev is at the central, provincial and district / city levels. This monitoring and evaluation illustrates the level of information disclosure carried out by public institutions in each region as well as the central government.
Are there any sanctions for public bodies or institutions that do not carry out disclosure of information or vice versa rewards for those who are good at disseminating information to the public?
We always refer to Law No. 14 of 2008 as the basis for carrying out all activities. The law does not regulate whether there are awards or rewards for good institutions or bodies in disseminating information to the public. And vice versa punishment or punishment for public bodies or institutions that do not carry out the dissemination of information properly to the public. However, in public bodies there are public officials who must be ethical. He must understand his function and duties as a public official. And he must serve the public interest. That's why in accordance with the mandate of the law we have good governance, I am sure everyone agrees with this. The authority of the KI reports to the President and DPR RI at the national (central) level, the Governor and Deputy Governor at the Provincial level and the Regent or Mayor at the Regency / City level. Furthermore, it remains like the chief executive who can act. We KI can only report it.
So the limits and powers of KI only produce decisions?
Yes, it is true. The limits and powers of KI are only to produce a decision. The disputing parties can file a lawsuit at the State Administrative Court (PTUN) or the District Court, if they are not satisfied with the decision issued by KI. The court can overturn the KI's decision or vice versa uphold the decision made by KI. If after the PTUN or the Court decides that they still don't accept the parties, they can submit it to the Supreme Court until a case has permanent legal force. But if within 14 days after KI issued a decision there were no objections, the KI decision had to be implemented. That's why the KI is called a quasi from the judiciary. KI is in the midst of taking on the role of the judiciary in terms of public information.
Who can apply for the disclosure of public information?
The law states that there are public and public bodies. The public is the petitioner. The applicant is any individual or group citizen who can apply for an information disclosure case. The applicant must prepare an authentic document to fulfill the requirements as an applicant. And the process must be patient, not rushed, in accordance with the existing processes and procedures.
So far, many have submitted applications?
So far, there are quite a lot of individuals who have submitted applications in the Central and Provincial KIs. And the cases filed were also varied, some even asked about test scores at a college. Anyway, any public body or institution can be asked. This means that community participation in the framework of good governance is good enough.
What is the most crucial program for this IP in the future?
Because the public is already open and involved in this request for public information, our priority program is the public information disclosure index. How KIP is understood not only by public bodies but by all. If this public information disclosure index can be implemented, it can be illustrated how the community's participation is.
What are your hopes for public bodies or institutions as well as the public itself in the context of this disclosure of information?
I hope that the public, bodies or public institutions let us implement public information disclosure in accordance with the rules. Because in the end, the disclosure of public information will improve people's welfare and reduce poverty. The problem is that the current definition of poverty according to the World Bank is not only people who cannot work and cannot eat, but poverty in the current terminology is people who cannot do something. For him to do something for himself he needs information. So let's ground this spirit of public information disclosure for the sake of our nation and country.
Gede Narayana, Junior Icuk Sugiarto who enjoys art
Since childhood, Gede Narayana has loved sports. Badminton, swimming, pencak silat, soccer volleyball, running and so on are the sports that he likes. Even badminton, this man of Balinese blood has made achievements at the provincial level in DKI Jakarta. He had won a trophy for the men's doubles number for teenagers, in the individual number, aka men's singles, he was only able to enter the semi-finals. Nara, who grew up in the Kramat Pulo area, Senen District, Central Jakarta, has learned a lot from her activities in the world of sports.
“I have always been a sportsman, when I was in junior high and high school I won badminton at the Jakarta level. My senior at that time was Icuk Sugiarto. He's two levels above me. At that time I was still a teenager, while he was already in the adult category, ”he recalls.
Gede Narayana. (Photo: Savic Rabos, DI: Raga / VOI)
Gede's seriousness in practicing badminton has made achievements at the DKI Jakarta level for the teenage age group. "I won badminton men's doubles for teenagers (13-15 years)," he said. In the men's individual event, he also took part, but he had to admit Gunawan Guandianto's excellence at the top in the men's singles sector. "For the men's singles, Gunawan Guandianto, who won at the youth level. Now everyone has retired from the world of sports. Regeneration in the world of sports is fast. The ones who play a role now are young players, ”he added.
His pleasure in badminton began because near his house there was a badminton court. “Next to my house is an open badminton court. At first, just playing and socializing with friends. Over time, I became serious about playing badminton, "he said.
While swimming, he participated in a swimming association based in the Cikini swimming pool. The location of the swimming pool next to Taman Ismail Marzuki (TIM) is indeed not far from his residence. Just cross the Kramat Raya road, he is close to the Cikini swimming pool area. “I used to practice swimming in the Cikini swimming pool which is located near TIM. Now the swimming pool is still, but in the surroundings of the Ibis Cikini hotel. From my house, I just have to cross to get there. The problem is that I was born and raised in the city of Jakarta, ”he recalls, grateful to be able to enjoy the facilities in this city. With an affordable cost, he can exercise using adequate facilities.
Gede Narayana. (Photo: Savic Rabos, DI: Raga / VOI)
Due to his talent and potential, Gede attended the Ragunan school which specifically educates and fosters talented youths in sports. Only because he is a resident of Jakarta, he does not stay at the dormitory like his colleagues who come from other areas.
Although not as brilliant as Icuk Sugiarto, who does have achievements at the national and world levels in the sport of badminton, he continues to do sports habits until now in the midst of his busy life. "In the past, sports were really serious. Now it's not like before, it has been overwritten by other activities like in this office. But I still do exercise habits to keep my body in shape. During this pandemic, I chose to run. The important thing is to move and sweat, sports are no longer chasing achievements like before, "he explained.
For Gede, sport has penetrated his body and soul. Until whenever he will still exercise in the middle of whatever his activities are. Now that he is already busy with various activities, such as at the Central Public Information Commission (KIP), he does not get as much exercise as he used to. "Exercise is very important to maintain and improve fitness and maintain our immunity. The portion is now adjusting, because now I am not chasing achievements like I used to, I do sports to maintain fitness. Usually when I run at GBK, before many people went to GBK I ran around Monas, ”said the man who can't play golf.
Previously, when he was a teenager and excelled in sports, he could go around the soccer field 32 times in one training session. "Because at that time the demand for achievement, so physical training was indeed hard. Now, I can just go around the soccer field once, ”he said with a distinctive laugh. However, this situation did not reduce his enthusiasm for sports at all.
In sports, he has made achievements, but in art, Gede is only a connoisseur. For him, the art of music is a catalyst to relieve tension and work routine every day that he does. "For the world of art I am just a connoisseur. I like listening to music, because the lyrics of the song represent an outpouring of feelings, sometimes sad and other times joyful. If I'm told to play music I can't, just give up. For sports, let's compete. I am a sports player and have been a champion and the photos are still neat, "joked Gede who admitted that he liked the pop music genre as sung by the band Queen, Phil Collins and for Indonesian musicians he liked the group Panbers, D'Llyod, GIGI and others. .
Gede Narayana. (Photo: Savic Rabos, DI: Raga / VOI)
Only when he tuned his favorite musician's song in the car his son often commented on him. The problem is that there are generational differences that make what he listens to be disliked by his millennial son. “I often get yelled at by my children when I play my favorite song in the car. Wow, the song is old school, they said. The frequency of my music with my child doesn't connect. Finally I listened to the songs they liked. Today's music is my son's favorite, ”said Gede who also likes films with the theme of nationalism, detective films such as James Bond and comedy genre films such as Warkop DKI starring Dono, Kasino and Indro.
When it comes to pop music, he hastens to say that what he likes isn't sappy pop music. Just so you know, at one time the whiny pop music genre ruled this country. Betharia Sonata is famous for her song Hati yang Luka and is followed by other singers. At that time, one of President Soeharto's Cabinet ministers told the public not to get caught up in the hubbub of pop music, which in Gede's term, whiny pop. "Frankly speaking, I'm not the one who likes it crybaby," he said.
There is an interesting story when one of his idol musicians; Phil Collins concert in Ancol Jakarta on March 25, 1995. At that time he was on guard while watching a concert. How come? "Why can I watch while watching because I joined the Merpati Putih pencak silat school. It so happened that we, from Merpati Putih, were ordered to guard. Yes, what a coincidence. Take care, watch it, hehehe. So I watched Phil Collins' concert for free while keeping safe there, ”he recalls.
But the corona pandemic made Gede unable to channel his hobby of watching music and art performances which were usually held before the corona pandemic broke out in this country and many other countries. “Before the pandemic I often attended concerts or theater shows. I have watched a Band GIGI concert. Yes, I hope that the pandemic will soon pass so musicians can show their teeth through their concerts, actors can present their art of taeter, and we as art connoisseurs can watch their works and performances, "hoped Gede Narayana.
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