Astra Infra Opens Voice About The Minister Of Public Works Proposal For Toll Rates Discounts During The Nataru Holiday
JAKARTA - Astra Infra Toll Road responded to the government's proposal asking the Toll Road Business Entity (BUJT) to impose tariff discounts during the 2024 Christmas and 2025 New Year holidays (Nataru 2024/2025). Related to this, it is said that it is still being discussed.
Head of the Task Force for the ASTRA Infra Group Rinaldi said that his party is currently focusing on improving services to toll road users.
"We are still discussing, we are now focusing on service first to road users, that's the most important thing, really. For what was asked, is there a special toll tariff, we are still discussing it," said Rinaldi in Media Gathering Nataru 2024/2025 Astra Infra Group in Jakarta, Tuesday, December 17.
Not much information was provided by Rinaldi regarding the provision of discounts on toll rates. He said the main focus currently being carried out by Astra Infra is improving services to to toll road users.
"Later, if for example what policy there is, of course it will be coordinated," he concluded.
Previously, the Minister of Public Works (PU), Dody Hanggodo, proposed that BUJT impose a tariff discount during the Christmas and New Year 2024/2025 holiday period. The proposed discount amount reached 20 percent.
"I spoke to BPJT, BPJT talked to the BUJT. For me, I asked for 20 percent (the amount of the discount)," said Dody to reporters at his office, Friday, December 13.
Unfortunately, until now there has been no response. Dody said that everything was returned to each BUJT, as well as the amount of the discount.
To note, currently the length of the Astra Infra Toll Road managed toll road reaches 396 kilometers (km). This toll road is located in Trans Java and Metro.
In detail, in Trans Java it includes the Tangerang 'Merak (72 kilometers), Cikopo' Palimanan or Cipali (116.8 kilometers) and Semarang'Solo (72.6 kilometers) toll roads.
Then, there are the Jombang 'Mojokerto Toll Road (40.5 kilometers), Surabaya 'Mojokerto (36.3 kilometers) and Pandaan'Malang (38.5 kilometers).
Meanwhile, toll roads in the metro or Jabodetabek area themselves include the Kunciran Section "Serpong or JORR 2 (11.1 kilometers) and Ulujami" Kebon Jeruk or JORR 1 (7.7 kilometers).