Tips And How To Save Money So As Not To Lose According To Islam
YOGYAKARTA - Have you ever felt your savings run out quickly for no apparent reason? Or maybe you're worried that your savings will be lost? If so, let's understand how to save money so that it doesn't go away according to Islam below.
In Islam, there are special guidelines on how to manage assets, including how to save good and correct. Let's discuss together tips on saving money to stay safe and blessed.
Reporting from the Bank Jago page, financial management has been known since the time of the Prophet. In fact, the prophets in ancient times have also planned emergency funds in a simple form.
As a Muslim, of course, it is good to imitate the way of the Prophet Muhammad in managing finances so that they are not easily lost and exhausted, here are some tips according to the deceased:
The Prophet divided his spending into three simple categories: food, clothing, and alms. The Prophet SAW said:
"The serve said, 'Hard.' Isn't that treasure just three: what he eats and will disappear, what he wears and will be obsolete, what he gave is actually the treasure he collects. Assets other than that will be lost and given to the people he left behind." (HR Muslim)
Then you must also prioritize saving in managing finances because it is highly recommended in Islam. Saving is believed to be a form of exercise that ensures the achievement of goodness and avoids harm or loss.
In addition, by saving, you also make sure to use assets according to your needs. There are several hadiths and verses of the Koran that recommend saving, one of which is the Sabda Rasulullah SAW:
"God will give mercy to His servants who seek halal rizki and give alms intentionally, prioritizing more important needs, on the day he is poor and has needs." (HR. Muslim and Ahmad).
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By saving, it can help you reduce and avoid wasteful habits. Saving, in terms of financial management, becomes an effort to prioritize more important needs, so that you are free from excessive consumption.
By avoiding wasteful habits, it is easier for you to avoid the need to owe, especially for consumptive needs.
The priority of financial management which is also recommended by the Prophet is to include the element of alms.
Even though alms spends money, helping others in need not only cleans your wealth and heart, it is also a form of prayer and conveys kindness.
Debt is often a shackles that binds to our finances. As much as possible, avoid piling up debt. Debt is not only burdensome today's finances, but also a burden in the future.
Please note, every installment that must be paid will reduce the amount of money we can use for other needs that are more important. Instead of forcing yourself to buy something by debt, try to save first until the required funds are collected.
That way, we can buy the item without having to worry about the piling up of debt burdens. Remember, 'The best person among you is the best person in his religion and the best thing to do, is someone who doesn't trouble other people.'
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