Supreme Court Rejects PK Convicted Of Vina Cirebon Case, Including Saka Tatal
Makmah Agung (MA) rejected the request for judicial review (PK) of the eight convicts in the murder case of Vina and Eky in Cirebon.
The convicts who submitted the PK included; Jaya, Supriyanto, Eka Sandi, Hadi Saputra, Eko Ramadhani, Sudirman, and Rivaldi Aditya Wardana. Then, Saka Tatal who is a recidivist in the case.
"The public has conducted a deliberative session and read the verdict on Monday, December 16 with a decision on which the poko rejects the application for judicial review of the convicts," said the spokesman for the Supreme Court, Yanto, to reporters, Monday, December 16.
The PK application of the eight convicts was divided into three. First, with case number 198/PK/PID/2024 for convicts Eko Ramadhani and Rivaldi Aditya.
Then, the PK application with number 199/PK/PID/2024 for five convicts, namely Eka Sandi, Hadi Saputra, Jaya, Sudirman, and Supriyanto.
Finally, the PK application from Saka Tatal which is registered with number 1688PK/PID.SUS/2024.
With the rejection of the PK application, the criminal sentence that has been handed down at the trial at the previous stage remains valid.
This means that the convicts, including Saka Tatal, will continue to serve life imprisonment.
"With the rejection of the PK applications of the convicts, the decisions requested by the PK will still apply," said Yanto.
Sebagai, pidana penjara seumur hidup tujuh terpidana kasus Vina Cirebon tak berabag mulai dari Pengadilan Negeri Cirebon, peningkatan, hingga cassasi.
Meanwhile, Saka Tatal was sentenced to 8 years in prison. After serving a sentence of 3 years and 8 months, he was released from condition and purely free in July 2024.