Kejari Muarojambi Auction 1,625 Tons Of Coal Proceeds From Crime But Never Sells

JAMBI - Muarojambi District Attorney and State Property Service Office and Auction conducted an auction of 1,625 tons of coal resulting from a crime that already had a permanent legal decision. However, the evidence has not yet been sold.

"We have carried out a booty auction through the State Wealth and Auction Service Office last Friday (8/3) in the form of evidence that was auctioned openly (open bidding) through the portal, but no one bought coal," said Head of Evidence and Looted Goods at the Muarojambi Kejari. Tito was reported by ANTARA, Thursday, March 14.

From some of the confiscated evidence that was sold at the time of the auction, it was evidence and looted items in the form of a black Isuzu Panther car with an offer on behalf of Imran Rehan worth IDR 54.1 million and a Honda Sonic motorcycle unit which was attended by two bidders and the winner of the auction Muhamad Arisman, the offering value was IDR 7.8 million.

Meanwhile, two other types of looted goods were in the form of 1,625 tons of coal and one Isuzu truck had no bidders or were declared not to be sold, and would later be re-auctioned according to applicable regulations.

It is informed that the winner of the auction for a maximum of five working days is required to pay off his offer and the proceeds from the auction will be deposited into the state treasury as PNBP of the Muarojambi District Attorney.

Evidence of the loot that was auctioned has permanent legal force, including the first 1,625 tons of coal located in RT 14 Kebun IX Village, Sungai Gelam District, Muaro Jambi Regency with a limit value of Rp. 189 million, one unit of a black Izusu Panther car with a police number or number BH 1316 NOE with a limit value of Rp. 54.18 million.

Then a white Izusu truck with a red tub of guava without a police number with a limit value of Rp. 67.35 million, then another Honda motorcycle with the red and white Sonic brand without a police number with a limit value of Rp. 6.8 million.