3 Perpetrators Of Subsidized Fuel Misappropriation In Southeast Sulawesi Arrested, Including Motama Gas Station Employees

Southeast Sulawesi (Sultra) Police dismantled a syndicate of subsidized fuel oil (BBM) abuse in Motaha Village, Angata District, South Konawe Regency (Konsel). Three perpetrators in this case were arrested.
"Three arrested perpetrators have the initials AL (52), AD (33), and SM (43)," said Head of Sub-Directorate I Indagsi of the Directorate of Criminal Investigation of the Southeast Sulawesi Police, Kompol Rico Fernanda in Kendari, Southeast Sulawesi, Monday, August 7, confiscated by Antara.
He revealed that the arrest operation was based on a letter from the Downstream Oil and Gas Regulatory Agency (BPH Migas) regarding requests for assistance investigating allegations of misuse of subsidized fuel in Konsel Regency. "The three suspects were arrested on August 1, 2023 yesterday at the Motaha gas station. Currently, the three of them have been detained at the Southeast Sulawesi Police Detention Center," said Rico.
Rico said that in carrying out their actions, the three actors had their respective roles. The Navy acts as a pickup driver, AD is the supervisor of a public refueling station (SPBU), and SM acts as a subsidized fuel queue at the gas station.
He continued, where SM perpetrators who queued to get subsidized fuel at gas stations filled with jerry cans directly from the nozzle. Then the jerry can containing the subsidized fuel was handed over to the Navy which was loaded using his pickup.
Meanwhile, AD, who is a gas station employee, acts as a monitor.
"The evidence that we have secured is a red pickup and 20 jerry cans, which totals 660 liters of subsidized fuel," he said.
Rico said the perpetrators in this case were suspected of violating Article 40 number 9 of Law Number 6 of 2023 concerning Stipulation of Government Regulation in Lieu of Law Number 2 of 2022 concerning Job Creation into Law on Amendments to Provisions of Article 55 of Law Number 22 of 2021 concerning Oil and Gas. Earth.
"Currently, the temporary stage is conducting an investigation into the suspect," he said.