JK Supports Airlangga To Guard Golkar's Solodity To Win Elections

JAKARTA —Senior party who is also the General Chair of Golkar for the 2004-2009 period, Jusuf Kalla (JK) expressed his support for the General Chairperson of the Golkar Party DPP Airlangga Hartarto to win the 2024 election.According to Jusuf Kalla, currently Airlangga is like a general in the five-year democratic war in Indonesia for parties bearing the banyan tree.JK admits that under Airlangga's leadership, the entire structure of the Golkar Party from the center to the solid area. This solidity, according to him, is needed by Airlangga to be able to win Golkar in the election which will be held on February 14, 2024."“It takes solidity to say fighting, this is Mr. General (Airlangga), if you don't unite how you can win the battle, right,” said JK after holding a closed meeting with Airlangga at Darmawangsa Hotel, Kebayoran Baru, South Jakarta, Friday (4/8/2023).Apart from JK and Airlangga, the meeting was also attended by other Golkar seniors, such as the Chairman of the Golkar Party Board of Trustees Aburizal Bakrie, Chairman of the Agung Expert Council Laksono, Chairman of the Golkar Ethics Council Muhamad Hatta, and Theo Sambuaga. Airlangga was also accompanied by the Secretary General of the Golkar Party DPP Lodewijk F Paulus and Iskandar Mandji.
“Stad areas too, if the regions are solid, solid management, what else is needed to make strength. And this is what is needed, "said JK.This Golkar politician, who has served as vice president twice, emphasized that his party supports Airlangga in leading Golkar to win the 2024 election.JK appealed to all parties not to interfere in the technical policies imposed by Airlangga within the party to win.“ We support his party, meaning we support Pak Airlangga, of course in making policies. That's the point. We don't interfere with technical policies imposed in the party. We want the party to unite, ” said Jusuf Kalla.The senior Golkar politician advised the solidity of the general chairmen who attended the meeting which was held as a moral impetus for the structure of the Golkar Party throughout Indonesia.He said that the meeting which was held with this casual dinner was expected to unite all cadres for the victory of party number 4 in the 2024 General Election.“ This is important to encourage structural morals, for our unity. That later what will become a policy by the management or Golkar, of course, we will submit what is mandated by the National Conference or National Working Meeting,” said JK.Meanwhile, Airlangga said that his meeting with JK was an invitation from seniors to juniors in the Golkar Party.Airlangga admitted that he had conveyed the latest developments in the Golkar Party, that currently the party is very solid to face the 2024 General Election.“Of course, from the senior Golkar Party, from Pak JK, Pak Aburizal Bakrie, Pak Agung (Laksono), Pak Theo (Sambuaga), Pak Hatta, of course hoped that this party would be solid. Nothing interferes with the Golkar Party, because as the second largest party in Indonesia represents political institutions and democratic institutions, ” said Airlangga."Jadi tentu konstitusi Partai Golkar terus diminta untuk terus dijaga dan juga jangan ada pihak-pihak luar yang mengganggu soliditas Partai Golkar,” tegas Airlangga.To JK, Airlangga conveyed the target of obtaining the DPR seats in the 2024 General Election, namely, 116 to 120 or the equivalent of 20 percent of Senayan parliamentary seats."And I also convey specifically for the presidential election of the Golkar Party and all DPD and DPP mandate to maintain the decisions of the National Conference, National Meeting, and National Working Meeting, including yesterday at a meeting in Bali,” said the Coordinating Minister for Economic Affairs.