How To Check The Announcement Of The 2023 PPG Position Selection, Mandatory Schedule And Lecture Followed By Participants

YOGYAKARTA How to check the announcement of the 2023 PPG Position selection can be done through a platform provided by the Indonesian Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology (Kemendikbudristek).

It is known that the results of the phase 2 selection of the Teacher Professional Education Program (PPG) Prajabatan 2023 have been announced on Monday 31 July 2023.

Adapted from the PPG page of the Ministry of Education and Culture, PPG Prajabatan PPG is a professional education program to create a new generation of Indonesian teachers who have a heart call to become teachers, professionals, commitments to be role models, love for professions, and learners throughout their lives.

This program is organized for graduate graduates or applied scholars or Diploma IV from both education and non-education majors for prospective teachers to get educator certificates.

The journey to become a New Generation of Indonesian Teachers begins with the selection stage and follows a series of Teacher Professional Education Programs for two semesters consisting of lectures, field work practices, leadership projects, and assistance.

The PPG Prajabatan selection itself consists of 3 stages. After passing the stage 2 selection, participants will take part in the interview selection in stage 3.

For prospective PPG Prajabatan 2023 participants who have participated in the phase 2 selection, they can see the results of the selection announced through the official PPG page of the Ministry of Education and Culture.

Here's how to check the results of the 2023 PPG Position administration selection:

Schedule for the 2023 PPG Position Selection

The following is the selection schedule for PPG Prajabatan 2023:

PPG Prajabatan 2023 Lecture

As mentioned above, prospective PPG Position participants who pass the 3rd stage of selection are required to take part in a series of Teacher Professional Education Programs for two semesters consisting of lectures, field work practices, leadership projects, and assistance.

Well, the PPG Prajabatan program has two courses, namely the Selective Choice Core and Lecture Study.

The core lectures consist of:

While the list of selected selective courses includes:

This is information on how to check the announcement of the results of the 2023 PPG Position selection. Get other selected news updates only on VOI.ID.