Gym Training Tips To Always Be Safe From Muscle Injuries To Death

YOGYAKARTA - The incident that occurred on Monday, July 24, 2023, was like a fear that haunts fitness lovers. In fact, this is a special concern for foreign media and several alts such as Ade Rai.

The name Justyn Vicky, who died from a broken neck bone, became trending for a long time. His death when lifting a barbell weighing 210 kg is a scourge for a back squad position.

Seasoned sports entrepreneur Ade Rai provides a safe way to carry out several dangerous activities such as lifting a very heavy barbell.

In Instagram, some tips for doing sports are now increasingly popular. Of course, everything starts with enough warm-up, because stretching must be done first so that muscles are not stiff.

Ade Rai Shares Warming Tips At Least Starting From 3 Sections.

First, starting with latian cardio for at least 10 minutes to provide a more suitable and relaxed temperature.

Second: Taking a light load so after the accomplices and some muscles are also warmed up to make it more flexible and the temperature right.

The third is entering the core cell. The core cell means that friends can lift the load at least six times, a maximum of approximately 12 times. If it passes 12, it means the load is too light so it must be added again.

At least after the three warm-up models we are ready while for outfits, namely use comfortable clothes. Of course this is one of the determinants when we are doing activities.

Some are considered when clothes are uncomfortable, it will affect our psychological factors in exercising, of course, related to mentality

Avoid also Ego lifting where we are trapped to lift something more, understand that our body's main substance is a healthy body. Don't force it right away because everything needs a process.

Meanwhile, Ade Rai himself once gave several tips such as mistakes during fitness. There are several points recorded related to mistakes during fitness. It's like

Most sleep because training too hard is not recommended. It would be better if we don't sleep too much and do a repeat of training than a straight lift. This will make your body tired and muscles don't grow well.

Short time practicing is very tiring for the body. Getting a beautiful body takes time and rest is also done a good tempo. The habit of Gym lovers is hanging out for almost a day. It doesn't mean they just like hanging out but make the body come back and do recovery.

There are many techniques that are done when doing fitness. Therefore, proper mentors are needed. This is not because we cannot do it alone but the use of the right technique will greatly help accelerate muscle parts. You can also be protected when you are not strong and will make your muscles develop more easily.

The body's message must be heard. Don't force it if the body seems to be not strong. After all, the body needs shelter and we remind you not to be Ego towards yourself. This will make you motivated by the condition of your body not fit. What is there is that you will get injured or even death.

The latian form is very important, such as warming up etc. Having a training formula will make us more focused and relaxed.

Carry out weight lifting casually, don't get carried away. The body will be flexible and formed by itself.

An important note in number four that we must also hear a message from the body that we are not strong, don't force it. It will be fatal when a muscle injury event even causes death because it doesn't hear.

You can follow these tips from Binaagawan Ade Rai because of course it has been confirmed only. Of course, avoiding things that are prohibited from fitness, especially hearing body language and avoiding Ego.