How To Recycle Lithium Battery Waste To Prevent Environmental Damage

YOGYAKARTA The use of lithium batteries has recently become increasingly widespread, especially in the electric vehicle industry. This is because lithium batteries are able to charge electric power faster, the ability to produce high electric power and can last longer. However, if it is continuously used and charged, lithium batteries can decrease their abilities. So, can lithium batteries that have decreased their ability be recycled? How to recycle lithium battery waste?

To find out the answer to this question, see the following article.

Please note, lithium batteries consist of two types, namely primary batteries and secondary batteries.

Primary batteries can only be used once and discarded once the powering runs out. While secondary batteries, can be used and refilled several times.

Well, lithium battery waste that is outdated and can no longer be used, turns out to be recyclable to prevent environmental damage. It's just that, the process is quite complicated.

Recycling lithium battery waste requires a routine process, because lithium batteries are included in the chemical element.

The old lithium battery is first separated from the iron wrapper. After the lithium battery is refined, the lithium content can be reused.

As mentioned above, lithium battery recycling requires a fairly long process.

Here are some ways to recycle lithium battery waste that you need to know:

Originally, the most effective way of recycling lithium batteries was very dependent on the desired level of lithium availability, as well as cost and efficiency of the process.

In addition, it is important to carefully consider the environmental impact of the cost of each method to determine the most environmentally friendly and cost-effective approach.

That's information about how to recycle lithium batteries. Hopefully this article can add insight to VOI.ID readers.