Jati Forest In The RPH Cepukan KPH Ngawi Area Caught Fire

NGAWI - The teak forest in the Cepukan Forest Transport Resort (RPH) area, North Kedawak BKPH, KHP Ngawi, East Java caught fire. The fire was extinguished by officers after a few hours later.
Head of RPH Cepukan Sudarsono said the teak forest fire in the Cepukan RPH area occurred at around 15.10 WIB.
"We received information about the teak forest fire at the Cepukan RPH at around 15:10 WIB. The fire was discovered when officers carried out routine patrols to anticipate disturbances to forest and land fires," said Sudarsono in a statement reported by ANTARA, Thursday, July 20.
At that time, a hotspot was seen in plot 822. Subsequently, patrol officers reported to Asper or KBKPH North Kedawak and contacted RPH Cepukan personnel to carry out extinguishing efforts.
"Efforts to extinguish the fire were carried out by riding, machetes, and using a sprayhandsreyer. The officers also made an alignment (limit route) so that the fire would not spread," he said.
During the blackout, officers were also assisted by local residents who were members of the Makmur Forest LMDH.
With these various efforts, the fire was successfully extinguished at around 16.35 WIB. The area of forest land burned in the incident reached 2 hectares.
Regarding the estimated loss due to the fire, it is still being calculated by officers. The vegetation of the forest or type of plant that caught fire was the teak plant for the 2002 planting year.
In addition, officers are still gathering information regarding the cause of the fire.
Entering the 2023 dry season, Ngawi KPH officers are more intensive in conducting routine patrols. This is to anticipate disturbances in forest and land fires.
During patrols, usually his team also makes alignments and barriers. So, if it is known that there are hotspots, they can be extinguished immediately and do not spread to other forest areas or plots.