Profile Of Bambang Kristiono, Commission I Of The House Of Representatives Who Died, Was Once A Presidential TNI Soldier

YOGYAKARTA - Bambang Kristiono, Deputy Chairman of Commission I of the Indonesian House of Representatives, breathed his last on Thursday, July 20. The member of the council from the Gerindra faction died during a working visit to North Sulawesi. To commemorate the services and contributions of the deceased, let's look at Bambang Kristiono's profile.

It was reported that Bambang Kristiono died of a heart attack while carrying out his job. This sad news caused deep sadness to the family and the scope of the council and the party that oversees him. So what is Bambang Kristiono's profile like and his actions in politics?

Bambang Kristiono was born on December 25, 1960 in Purwakarta, West Java. Bambang underwent childhood in his homeland by receiving basic education at SD Negeri Cibening II and SMPN 1 Cempaka, Purwakarta. After that, he continued his upper middle level at SMAN 350 Cikampek, Karawang.

Bambang Kristiono attended a military school at the TNI AD Military Academy in Magelang in 1981-1985. This 62-year-old man also studied at the I/BMI College of Economics in 2000-2001.

Before entering world politics, Bambang first had a career in the military and became an entrepreneur. Formerly, Bambang was a subordinate of Prabowo Subianto since he was still in Kopassus as an elite unit of the Indonesian Army. Bambang participated in the Indonesian Expedition Team climbing Mount Everest in 1997.

When he was a soldier, Bambang had received several awards for his service in the Indonesian military. Here are a number of awards he has received:

Bambang decided to retire early from military service in 2000. Then he chose to pursue a way of life in the business or business sector. With the provision that he had visited a management company majoring in education, Bambang established and built several companies engaged in mining, plantation, and transportation.

The following are a number of companies established and built by Bambang Kristiono:

Bambang Kristiono began to enter politics in 2016 by joining the Gerindra Party. Bambang is trusted to hold the position of Chairman of the Gerindra Party Supervisory and Disciplinary Body (BPD). He held this important position until he died. Bambang was also a member of the Board of Trustees for the 2016-2021 period.

Bambang Kristiono is a Gerindra Party cadre representing the West Nusa Tenggara II electoral district, which includes Central Lombok Regency, West Lombok Regency, North Lombok Regency, East Lombok Regency, and Mataram City. In 2019, he ran in the legislative election and won the most votes in the NTB 2 electoral district.

Bambang became one of the politicians who managed to walk to occupy the board of council seats. He applied as a member of the DPR-RI for the 2019-2024 period.

This is Bambang Kristiono's profile, Deputy Chairman of Commission I of the DPR, who returned to God's side on Thursday (20/7) at the age of 62 years.

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