Jambi Customs And Excise Thwarts Illegal Cigarette Circulation Via Expedition

Jambi Customs and Excise has thwarted the circulation of illegal cigarettes through illegal cigarette enforcement operations through goods delivery services (expediTION) in Jambi City for several days.

"During the action operation, we from Jambi Customs confiscated approximately 1.4 million illegal cigarettes or hundreds of millions of rupiah," said Acting Head of Information and Information Service for Customs and Excise Jambi Tamrin as reported by ANTARA, Tuesday, July 18.

In the first action which took place on July 14, 2023, officers carried out operations and supervision of cigarette shipments at delivery services in Kota Baru District, Jambi City.

From the operation, officers confiscated cigarettes of machine kretek cigarettes (SKM) and white machine cigarettes (SPM) of various brands that were not attached to excise stamps in accordance with the provisions of 1 million sticks.

After that, officers again launched an illegal cigarette operation on July 16, 2023 which was carried out on shipping services in South Jambi District, Jambi City.

Officers also found that there were shipping packages of approximately 400 thousand cigarettes of various brands of machine kretek cigarettes (SPM) and machine kretek cigarettes (SKM) that were not attached to excise stamps according to regulations.

"To note from the results of the action, the total estimated value of goods reached Rp684 million with the potential for state revenue reaching Rp937 million," said Tamrin.

In addition to monitoring the circulation of illegal cigarettes, the previous week (10-14 July 2023), Jambi Customs and Excise also carried out operations at several MMEA Retail Sales Places (TPE) in Bungo Regency.

From the operation, officers confiscated more than 300 bottles of MMEA (Drink Containing Etyl Alcohol), because it did not meet the provisions in the field of excise.

"Alcoholic drinks and illegal cigarettes not only violate the provisions in the field of excise but also, have a negative effect on public health," said Tamrin.