How To Provide A Warm Place For Cold Cats
YOGYAKARTA Cats are known as independent pets. They are able to take good care of themselves. However, stray cats still need attention because they do not have a protective house, can even get cold when outdoors and the temperature is cold.
Cats have fur coats that keep them warm. But if the air temperature is very cold, they need help to survive. For thousands of years, cats with each shape and size, are able to survive extreme temperatures. Both heat and low temperatures are extreme, they have adaptive, developing skills, and extraordinary survival instincts.
There is no special temperature that is too cold for cats because there are a number of factors that will affect the way they handle the cold air. Everything from health, weight, age, and thickness of cat hair is all elements that can determine how well it can withstand the very cold weather. However, temperatures below 7 degrees Celsius are considered dangerous for most cats. In addition to the risk of hypothermia, cats also decrease their body resistance.
Most cats, can keep their bodies warm by finding a small place that is comfortable to sleep in. This position is done by cats to maintain a lot of body heat. Maybe they choose under the car or unexpected rooms such as garages, warehouses, or barns to take cover.
Making small shelters for stray cats is a great way not only to save the lives of little cats. It also helps them maintain warmth. You can build small houses that are made by yourself. This is popularly referred to as an outdoor storage container with a cover on it.
Periodicly, clean the shelters and make sure they are clean and dry. Change wet and dirty places, and make sure the entrance is clean from snow or stagnant water. Do not let the cat get trapped in it.
Preparing extra food for outdoor cats will be very helpful. Food and water really means something to them. Some people recommend using dry cat food because it usually has quite high calories. Canned food, may freeze or not last long when compared to dry food.
In addition to food, kuccing must have access to freshwater at any time. You can give a bowl and put the mat. Change the stock of this cat's drinking water regularly.
If you have an outdoor cat, you can take protective measures for their small legs. Quoting Excited Cat, Monday, July 10, to be protected from chemicals and salt, you can apply a little lip moisturizer or petroleum jelly on adorable anabul legs. Apply this before they go outside.
For warning, before starting the car, check under the car and tap on the hood of the car. Many outside and wild cats may be looking for a warm spot. The cat may be curled up near the wheel, so check under your car.
That's how to provide a warm place for cold cats. However, if you suspect a cat is problematic, or don't let you approach it, you can contact certain parties who are used toOOing stray cats.