BPBD Estimate Earthquake Impact Losses In Bantul Reaches IDR 69.9 Million

BANTUL - The Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) of Bantul Regency, Yogyakarta Special Region (DIY), estimates material losses due to an earthquake with a magnitude of 6.0 in the south of DIY on Friday, June 30, reaching IDR 69.9 million."The estimated loss of Rp. 69.9 million was mostly due to damage to houses," said BPBD Bantul Aka Luk Firmansyah, Commander of the Center for Disaster Management Operations Control (Pusdalops PB) Luk Firmansyah when confirmed in Bantul, Antara, Sunday, July 2.According to him, the estimated loss due to tectonic earthquakes whose epicenters are located at coordinates 8.63 South Latitude, 110.08 East Longitude, or located at sea at a distance of 81 km south of Wates City, DIY, with a depth of 67 km, for Bantul Regency. The distribution of damage was at 95 location points in 15 sub-districts.The affected objects include 86 residents' houses, one electricity network, two public facilities, five educational facilities, and one place of business, while the victims were nine people, consisting of eight people were injured and one person died."The efforts we have made are coordinating with internal and external parties, conducting an assessment of the affected points, and handling the injured victims referred to the nearest hospital," he said.Currently, even since the earthquake, the situation in Bantul is conducive. The results of the mapping show that there is no need for logistics to be distributed to affected residents."In general, there is no need for logistics, because the activities of residents are normal after the earthquake. In addition, there are also no evacuations in Bantul," he said.After the earthquake, residents whose houses were lightly damaged, along with neighbors, worked together and worked together to install the critical re-paced which had slumped due to the earthquake."Regarding the delivery of aid in the form of building materials to affected locations, we are still waiting for a policy from the local government," he said.