Complaints From Hajj Pilgrims To Members Of The Hajjwas: Hotness In Musdalifah So There Is No Food And Drinks

JAKARTA - Member of Commission VIII who is also a member of the Hajj Supervisory Team (Timwas) John Kenedy Azis received complaints ranging from overheating in Musdalifah to not getting food and drinks.

This was conveyed by prospective pilgrims from Maktab Number 54 group 02 Pariaman Regency and Padang City.

"We are concerned that they are still in Musdalifah at 14.00 in heat. In fact, there is no food and drink there is no certainty when the pilgrims will arrive at Mina," John said in a written statement quoted on Friday, June 30.

John said the pilgrims there were in good health. "But there are those who are still infused and I am sorry that one person died from the incident," he said.

The death of the room cooler for two days and excess capacity are complaints from the congregation. As a result, they have to sit or lie in a small alley around the inn.

"In fact, there are those who then we see they make emergency tents filled with mattresses and then in each tent there are mattresses that are complete but many are lacking," said John.

Finally, complaints were also submitted regarding toilets. He said, the queue could take up to an hour or two so that some of the pilgrims defecated on their clothes.

With these various complaints, the government is expected to listen to incoming suggestions. "In fact, lastly we had a meeting with the government which was attended by the minister," John explained.

"We have conveyed that the engineering of risks seems to suddenly occur, such as the incident at Musdalifah yesterday and we hope that the DPR and the government can work together to solve problems regarding the departure or implementation of the pilgrimage," he concluded.