Madiun Customs Destroys Evidence Of Millions Of Illegal Cigarettes
MADIUN - The Customs and Excise Supervision and Service Office (KPPBC) Type Papuan C Madiun, East Java, destroyed evidence of prosecution in the field of excise in the form of millions of illegal cigarettes that could potentially harm the country to billions of rupiah.
Head of KPPBC Type Madya Customs C Madiun Iwan Hermawan said the total illegal cigarettes destroyed included 1.6 million cigarettes of machine kretek cigarettes (SKM), 3,136 cigarettes of hand-kretek cigarettes (SKT), and 11,400 white cigarette cigarettes of the machine (SPM).
Then 900 grams of iris tobacco and 43.5 liters of alcoholic beverages (MMEA). It is estimated that the value of the goods is more than Rp. 2 billion with a total state loss value of around Rp. 1.4 billion, said Iwan.
According to him, the illegal excisable goods (BKC) that were destroyed were the result of 61 prosecutions by local Customs officers from October 2022 to March 2023.
Of the six working areas of Madiun Customs and Excise, the most prosecutions were in the Madiun Regency area with 39 cases. Then Ponorogo eight cases, Ngawi six cases, Madiun City four cases, Magetan three cases, and Pacitan one case of prosecution.
"Most of the modes are from the deposit service company which is sent via expedition or online, considering that the Madiun Raya area is a distribution track. In addition, we also prevent it through passenger transportation that passes on the Trans Java Toll Road," he said as quoted by ANTARA, Tuesday, June 27.
In order to prevent the circulation of illegal cigarettes, his party has taken various anticipatory steps. Among them are intensively carrying out operations and providing socialization to the public, especially to shop owners or shops.
Customs and Excise also conducts socialization to schools and universities to provide education. Including collaborating with Satpol PP in the Madiun area and around which is the working area of Madiun Customs, starting from Madiun City/Regency, Ponorogo, Pacitan, Magetan, and Ngawi.
The synergy was carried out to tighten supervision of the BKC considering that electronic transactions in the digital era were quite high. Moreover, Madiun Raya is an interprovincial route that has the potential to be an illegal BKC distribution route.
"We urge all people not to consume and sell illegal cigarettes, and report if they find illegal cigarettes at the nearest Customs Office," he said.