Similarity Jin Ki Joo And Kim Dong Wook With Characters Played In My Perfect Stranger

JAKARTA - Jin Ki Joo and Kim Dong Wook share stories about the characters they played in the Korean drama series My Perfect Stranger. The two South Korean actors each played Baek Yoon Young and Yoon Hae Joon.

The My Perfect Stranger series follows the story of the two who returned to the past and worked together to survive. Jin Ki Joo initially thought that Baek Yoon's character was a tough woman.

After exploring his character, Jin Ki Joo at My Perfect Stranger became more familiar with Baek Yoon's character.

"I have to admit that I thought that he was too outspoken and stubborn which might be caused by the difficulties he has experienced in his life so far," said Jin Ki Joo, quoted from Anatara, Tuesday, June 27.

"But, when I saw the side of him who was getting tired of all the events he experienced, I told him about him starting to change," he added.

According to the actress, she has a tendency to think less simply while the characters she plays tend to think practically. Even so, Jin Ki Joo admits she has similarities to the main character in My Perfect Stranger.

"But, I also think we both have a lot in common. I used to be a girl who talked a lot to my mother. Because she was the one who made me feel the most comfortable. I was also very clear about the things I wanted to do," he said.

If Jin Ki Joo could return to the past in 1987 like the characters he played, he would have done the same thing as Baek Yoon Young, who saw the condition of his parents at that time.

"I want to travel to my parents' hometown. Or at least to where my parents lived that year. I want to know how my parents were before they had me as their child," said Jin Ki Joo.

Slightly different from Jin Ki Joo, Kim Dong Wook actually admitted that he felt a resemblance to Yoon Hae Joon's character from the start, namely both people who were active.

Yoon Hae Joon's advantage, according to Kim Dong Wook, is that the character has a very good ability to get along with other people. The actor was also amazed by some of Yoon Hae Joon's traits such as his care and courage.

"He has a high sense of concern for others and is not selfish, while living his life with courage and strong will. It is part of him that I want to imitate," said Kim Dong Wook.

One proof of Yoon Hae Joon's courage which amazed Kim Dong Wook was the courage to try hard to change his fate. This is shown when the character realizes that he will be killed in the future and dares to try to change his fate.

"Because I also think I will choose the same path as him. Although I'm not sure I can have as much courage as he has to pursue killers into the past," said Kim Dong Wook.