Whoops! Syahnaz Sadiqah And Rendy Kjaernett Allegedly Still Playing Behind Even Though They Were Caught Cheating

JAKARTA - Lady Nayyan recounted the details of the time when she caught her husband, Rendy Kjaernett, having an affair with Syahnaz Sadiqah. The moment occurred in September 2022.

While a guest star on the Richard Lee podcast, Lady revealed that she was told by an artist about the alleged affair between Rendy and Syahnaz. This allegation was confirmed when Lady saw her husband's intimate chat with Syahnaz.

Lady immediately questioned what was seen on her husband's cellphone to Syahnaz. Raffi Ahmad's younger brother admitted it and immediately apologized and admitted that he made a mistake to Lady. Likewise, Rendy immediately apologized to Lady, after being caught having an affair.

However, the next day, Lady Nayyan was scheduled to shoot with Rendy and Syahnaz. Lady was pregnant at that time and decided to shoot normally. She admitted that she was able to accept her husband and Syahnaz's apology.

"I don't want to go anywhere. We start from zero again," said Lady explaining her decision to forgive Rendy and Syahnaz.

At that time, Lady saw that her husband had really admitted his mistake. In fact, Lady said that her husband promised that the affair would not happen again.

"I think she wants to change, she thinks I want to get pregnant," said Lady.

What Lady was thinking turned out to be inappropriate. She said that her husband and Syahnaz were still playing behind while filming in Bandung.

"It turned out that when shooting in Bandung he (Rendy) went there to meet (Syahnaz). Eat at one of the hotels there, (it was found out) because it was in the mutation (bank membership)," said Lady Nayyan recounting the moment when her husband was still playing behind after apologizing.

"But, after being caught in January, I just saw why from Instagram I blocked this kind of Instagram account," he continued.

Until now, neither Syahnaz Sadiqah nor Rendy Kjaernett have opened their voices over all Lady Nayyan's statements in various media.