Titan Submarine Disappears In The Atlantic Ocean, Here's How Submarines Work Underwater

YOGYAKARTA Some people may want to know how submarines work, after the Titan tourist submarine operated by OceanGate sank in the Atlantic Ocean.

Previously, a Titan tourist submarine carrying five people to the wreck of airi exploded near its shipwreck and killed everyone on board.

"This is a tragic loss for families and marine exploration communities in general. The five crew members are enthusiastic explorers. And they died while doing what they believe in," OceanGate Expedition co-founder Guillermo S\"ohnlein told CNN, quoted Friday, June 23, 2023.

For your information, Titan Submarine is a Cyclops class manned submarine made by OceanGate designed to take five people to a depth of 4,000 meters or 13,123 feet.

Based on Oceangate's publication, Titan submarines are used for surveys and site inspections, research and data collection, film and media production, as well as hardware and software testing at deep sea.

The Titan submarine is equipped with advanced lighting and sonar navigation systems, as well as video equipment and 4K photography that is installed internally and externally. The ship's interior provides sufficient space for additional monitoring, inspection and data collection equipment.

Summarized from various sources, submarines use Archimedes' legal principles to be able to dive in water.

Inside the submarine is a ballast tank located between the inner hull and the outer hull. Weighing tanks function to determine the position of the submarine as long as it is at the desired depth position.

When diving, the air in the weighing tank is ejected through the stagnant hole and replaced with water. This aims to make the submarine's water mass larger so that the weighting force is greater than the upward force by water.

The air released in the weighing tank is stored in the air cylinders as a supply of pressure air for the support of life.

Meanwhile, the submarine mechanism rose to the surface, namely the pressure air carried by the submarine was pumped into the ballast tank so that the water came out. This makes the submarine mass smaller so that the force to the top is bigger than the ship's weight force.

However, if the weighing tank is only filled with some water, the weight of the ship matches the sealifting style. This condition will make the submarine not move down or move up (gliding).

The submarine is designed not only for floating, floating, and sinking, the submarine's shape is also designed to withstand the depth of sea water that flows so fast that it can move in the sea.

That's information about how submarines work. Hopefully this article can add insight to VOI.ID readers.