Personal Garage In Tanah Fasum Villa Bogor Indah Housing Dismantled By Satpol PP

BOGOR- The Civil Service Police Unit (Satpol) PP Bogor Regency, West Java, has brought order to the private garage building because it stands on public facilities, Villa Bogor Indah VI Housing, Pasir Jambu Village, Sukaraja.

"We are emptying buildings and controlling the garage, including the fish ponds that stand in these public facilities," said Acting Head of Tibum Satpol PP Bogor Regency Rama Khodara, quoted by ANTARA, Tuesday, June 20.

He explained that the control of the building without a permit measuring 3.5 square meters used heavy equipment.

"The land has been handed over to the local government, only the local government has not received it if it is used as a garage, so we will dismantle it first," he said.

According to him, after the building has been successfully flattened, the former garage and fish ponds will be returned to public facilities.

Rama appealed to the public not to build buildings on land that did not belong to him, because it had the potential to cause problems in the future.

"We ensure that buildings that do not have a permit will definitely be dismantled, residents should when they want to build to apply for permits first," said Rama.