Inter-Iman Dialogue Forum In Marokesh, Indonesia Contributes Positive Experience In Religious Diversity

JAKARTA - The International Parliamentary Organization / Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU) together with the Moroccan Royal Parliament held a World Parliamentary Forum for Inter-Iman Dialogue held in Marakesh on June 13 - 15, 2023.

The forum regarding the Inter-Iman Dialogue, which was first held by the IPU, presented members of Parliament from 70 countries, religious leaders, representatives from religious-based organizations, as well as representatives from non-governmental organizations that focus on issues of inter-religious relations and faith.

In the General Debate session, BKSAP Chairman Dr. Fadli Zon in a written statement received by VOI, conveyed Indonesia's experience in managing the diversity of the nation. According to him, Indonesia as the country with the highest Muslim population as well as the third largest democracy in the world can be a model for other countries.

Fadli Zon also said that in Indonesia there are only various religious national holidays for religious adherents, including Eid al-Fitr and Eid al-Adha for Muslims, Christmas and Easter for Christians, as well as Vesak for Buddhists and Nyepi for Hindus. This practice, he stressed, is a form of respect for religion in Indonesia. This later became Indonesia's recommendation in the General Debate session adopted in the Outcome Document.

Fadli said that Democracy and Religion can coexist and make a positive contribution to world peace efforts. Indonesia is active in various dialogue forums between faiths on a global scale, including initiatives through R20 at the G20 last year in Indonesia.

Furthermore, the Gerindra politician also conveyed a number of external challenges for the harmonization of religion in Indonesia, such as the development of Islamophobia, repeated provocative actions in the form of burning the Al Quran Holy Book, as well as the Speech of Hate and Violence against Muslim minorities in the West, which provoke tensions in inter-religious relations in Indonesia.

In addition, Fadli Zon also explained about the key position of the Pancasila Ideology and the Indonesian Constitution as a unifying tool for the nation, which guarantees the rights of citizens in religion. Then, to strengthen and support harmony in religious life in Indonesia, he conveyed that the DPR RI, through its supervisory function, monitors the activities of the Interfaith Harmony Forum which play a role in overcoming various challenges in religious life in Indonesia, among others through strengthening moderation and fighting hate speech based on SARA.

The forum with the theme "Working Together for Our Common Future" was attended by the Delegation of the Inter-Parliamentary Cooperation Agency (BKSAP) of the DPR RI, chaired by Fadli Zon as Chairman of the BKSAP (Gerindra Faction) as well as Chair of Delegation, as well as members of the delegation, namely Ahmad Hafisz Thohir Deputy Chairperson of the BKSAP (PAN Faction), Sukamta Deputy Chairperson of the BKSAP (PKS Faction), Syahrul Aidi Maazat (PKS Faction), Primus Yustisio (PAN Faction), and Syaikhul Islam (PKB Faction).