The Excitement Of Children's Adventures In Banjarmasin Is Described In The Poster Of The Film Jendela Seribu Sungai

JAKARTA - The film Jendela Seribu Sungai (JSS) released posters and trailers today, Wednesday, June 7. The film produced by Radepa Studio directly describes this film as having a children's adventure drama genre.

JJS tells the story of three children named Bunga, Aria, and Kejora who are united in their determination to achieve their goals by Mrs. Guru Sheila who really understand their dreams and hopes.

Unfortunately, their wishes are not always in line with reality. Arian, who has a culinary artist's father, doesn't want his son to inherit his skills in playing kuriding. In contrast, Kejora wanted to catapult her dream of becoming a doctor, was actually opposed by her father who was traumatized by a health center doctor who was considered to have killed his wife during childbirth.

Likewise, Bunga has never once developed her dance talent in front of her parents who are versatile. The diagnosis since birth as a cerebral-palsy person made Bunga's parents turn off Bunga's ideals as a dancer.

A thousand rivers will continue to channel their dreams and hopes. The river will also live their dreams.

In addition to children's adventures, Radepa Studio presents icons of the city of Banjarmasin in the trailer, including Siring's viewing tower. In the trailer, the Martapura river and the floating market and the women selling on the klotok boat are also clearly the peculiarities of the city of Banjarmasin. The bekantan doll held by one of the players, Sheryl Drisana, is a typical primate of Banjarmasin.

Almost all the visuals present in the film Jendela Seribu Sungai were taken in the city of Banjarmasin. Some of them are in the mountainous areas of Meratus and the city of Loksado," said Avesina Soebli, the producer of the JSS film in a media statement received Wednesday, June 7.

Radepa Studio promises that the visual power of JSS films, presents the city of Banjarmasin which is more charming and colorful. Through the trailer for the film released by Radepa Studio, it also shows the sluggishness of the Martapura river. In the trailer section of the film Jendela Seribu Sungai, there is also a tagline that states that JSS is a story about aspiration adventures.

The story of the film Jendela Seribu Sungai is based on a novel with the same title by Miranda Seftiana and Avesina Soebli. The story of children who have aspirations and ideals but are constrained by the wishes of their parents. Luckily they met Mrs. Sheila, one of the teachers at school, who continued to light up their hopes.

In addition to the interesting visuals, there is one scene at the beginning of the movie trailer, namely the figure of a man on a klotok boat. He views the Martapura river landscape, with his hands drawn the river water, the JSS film's narrative begins. Through the sentence he said, it seemed to represent the story of the film Jendela Seribu Sungai.

River is the mother, from which the story begins. To him the story begins. The film Jendela Seribu Sungai is decorated with an OST that inspires Always There is a Street sung by Ian Kasela and this song was created and arranged by Moldy.