Timeline Election System Lawsuit Allegedly Leaked

YOGYAKARTA - The 2024 election system is still in the process of being heard by the Constitutional Court (MK). Although it is still in process, former Deputy Minister of Law and Human Rights Denny Indrayana admitted that he received a leak that the Constitutional Court's decision would change the 2024 electoral system to a closed proportional one. So what is the timeline like for the election system lawsuit?

"This morning I received important information. The Constitutional Court will decide on the legislative election to return to a closed proportional system, again choosing the party's image mark only. The information states that the composition of the 6 decision is compared to 3 dissentings. Who is the source? The person who I really believe is credibility, who is definitely not a Constitutional Justice. So, we return to the New Order election system: authoritarian and corrupt," said Denny.

The discussion about the electoral system whether it will be open or closed began with the inclusion of the PDI-P lawsuit to the Constitutional Court. Here's the timeline for the lawsuit.

November 2022

The lawsuit against the Constitutional Court is adrift of the general election system from an open proportional to a closed proportionality filed by PDIP. The plaintiff is the PDIP administrator Demas Brian Wicaksono and his five colleagues.

The lawsuit is in the form of part of the article in Law No. 7 of 2017 concerning General Elections. One of them is the selection of legislative members with an open proportional system on Article 168 paragraph (2).

Demas takes into account the open proportional system is even worse because one party legilsaor candidates elbow each other in order to find the most votes. Not only that, money politics is more likely because experienced cadres lose to cadres whose popularity and capital are greater.

23 November 2022

The initial trial was a preliminary trial at the Constitutional Court. The petitioner said that the application of the article was hijacked by pragmatic candidates who were only famous and sold themselves without ideological discipline and experience. The impact seems not to represent a party organization but yourself.

March 29, 2023

The 9th trial, which is a continuation of the Election Law Testing with an agenda of observing the explanation of the applicant's experts. But the applicant's expert was only submitted Tuesday (28/5/23), so the applicant's experts could not be brought in. In conclusion, the trial was postponed on Wednesday (5/5/23).

May 31, 2023

MK spokesman Fajar Laksono said that there would be a submission of conclusions from the parties behind the lawsuit. This also denied the issue of the leaking of the Constitutional Court's verdict which was said to have determined a closed proportional election system verdict.

So after knowing the timeline for the election system lawsuit, see other interesting news on VOI, it's time to revolutionize news!