Starting Work, FFWI 2023 Jury Gets Assessment Guidelines

JAKARTA - The XIII Indonesian Journalist Film Festival Committee (FFWI) in 2023 held a Socialization of Jury Assessment Guidelines, at Building E of the Ministry of Education and Culture Research and Technology, Jakarta, Wednesday, May 24, 2023.

According to the Director of Judging and Procurement of FFWI Film, Tertiani Simanjuntak, the activity, among others, aims to increase the knowledge and ability of the FFWI Jury in sorting out and choosing the best national films.

"In addition, this socialization activity is to increase the credibility of the system and the FFWI judging assessment method," explained Baby.

In the socialization, four speakers appeared, respectively Rita Sri Hastuti, Susi Ivaty, Daniel Irawan, and director Helfi Kardit.The Jury Council who participated in online socialization activities listened to her very enthusiastic. For us, this socialization activity greatly adds insight in assessing films," said Thomas Manggala, a member of the Awal Jury Council. Daniel explained, in assessing films at a festival, the first thing to consider is who deserves to be a judge and what are the conditions? Indeed, there are no standard rules in the literature or law. In addition to one: the assessment guidebook compiled by the committee.

But Daniel put film producers, film critics, film experts, actors and actresses, last film coverage journalists, are the people who deserve to be film festival judges.

"And among all professions, journalists cover films that are most worthy of being judges for film festivals," he said. Daniel's reason, because their daily work is to follow and write production and watch movies frequently.

Daniel emphasized that as selected judges, Daniel said they must have a knowledge of wide film insights and references about films, have knowledge about film technicalities, and no less important is to be diligent in watching movies. The advantage of journalists as judges in Daniel's view is that they often interact with moviegoers. Asking the opinion of the moviegoers and what films are being loved by moviegoers.

Meanwhile, Susi Ivaty explained that to become a jury who judged the film, it must not be empty-headed. That way, said Susi, a jury can file an argument as to why he chose a film to be considered good or not.

A jury must be able to explain and argue about the definition of a good or bad film. And in the end, it can conclude that the definition is very dynamic and spectral! Susi said.

Susi added that arguing and arguing in assessing films is very good and must be a tradition that is maintained in the implementation of FFWI.

In Susi's view, in arguing, it must be based on the knowledge of qualified films, although not perfect. Because in assessing films, everyone has their own point of view, but has reasons that are technically acceptable.

For Susi who is no less important, a jury must know the culture and customs of an area or community. Even so, it doesn't have to be an expert. Susi reminded that the placement of this culture looks strong in Korean and Hollywood films.

What does their film succeed in lying in? I think it lies in a culture that wraps it, there is a language, there is movement, there is music So actually, reading a film is reading culture! Susi said.

Dalam pada itu, Rita Sri Hastuti Pelitawan Senior Anggota LSF, menyebut harus disepakasi bersama, penilaian sebuah film jangan hanya dari rasa saja.

Rita menjelaskan, kalau di genre drama, apakah cerita bisa menyentuh kejuasaran? Tetapi kejuraan itu bukan cryis. Lantas untuk genre Laga, Action dan Horor adegan dan cerita dan dilihat masuk masuk atau tidak. Semua itu bisa jadi bahan penilaian yang disuskusikan bersama,ujarnya.Di bawah koordinasi Kemendikbudristek Organis FFWI 2023 sudah mulai bekerja dengan menyusun daftar film-film yang tayang di bioskop dan OTT mulai 1 Oktober 2022-30 September 2023.