Israeli Minister's Visit To Al Aqsa Gets International Criticism, These 7 Muslim Countries Protest

YOGYAKARTA The Israeli Minister's visit to Al Aqsa Mosque received international threats. A number of Muslim countries such as Iran and Turkey protested strongly after Israel's National Security Minister, Itamar Ben Gvir, visited Yerussalem last week.

Adapted from Fars News, Tuesday, May 23, 2023, Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman Nasser Kanaani denounced Ben Gvir's provocative actions. Iran asked the international community and Islamic countries to immediately respond to Ben Gvir's actions.

"The holy site of Al Aqsa is, and will remain the integrated and eternal capital of Palestine," said Kana'ani.

He added that repeated violations of the Israeli government would not change the realities and history of Al Quds.

The Saudi Arabian ministry also strongly condemns Ben Gvir's visit to the Al Aqsa Complex.

In line with Iran, Saudi Arabia also protested strongly over the visit of Israel's National Security Minister to the Al Aqsa compound.

According to Arab News, Saudi Arabia said the action made Israeli forces fully responsible for the continuing impact of Ben Gvir's action.

Apart from Iran and Saudi Arabia, here are some Muslim countries that also criticized the Israeli minister's visit to Al-Aqsa:

The Bahrain Ministry of Foreign Affairs called Ben Gvir's visit to Al Aqsa a serious violence against international law and sparked provocations for Muslims.

The Jordanian government also issued a strong statement at the visit of Israel's National Security Minister to Al-Quds.

A spokesman for the Jordanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Sinan Majali, called Ben Gvir's visit an unacceptable dangerous escalation.

"This is a move that is condemned and an escalation is dangerous and unacceptable," said Majali, directed by the TRT World.

He called Ben Gvir's visit a violation of international law and the status quo of history and law at Yerussalem.

The Qatari government also criticized the Itamar Ben Gvir visit. Qatar's Ministry of Foreign Affairs said the visit could damage the status of religion and history of Al Aqsa Mosque.

"Not only attacks on Palestinians but also on millions of Muslims around the world," read an official statement from the Qatar Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Turkey's Foreign Ministry said Itamar Ben Gvir had violated international law.

"The attack on the Al Haram AL-Sharif on May 21 by Israel's National Security Minister under the protection of Israeli security forces that clearly violates international law," Turkey said in a statement, confiscating Middle East Monitor.

The United Arab Emirates (UAE) also strongly condemned the Israeli National Security Minister's visit.

"The UAE strongly condemns the attack on Al Aqsa by Israel's Security Minister, Itamar Ben Gvir, under police protection," the UAE Ministry of Foreign Affairs said in a statement.

This is information about countries that condemn the Israeli minister's visit to Al-Aqsa. To get other interesting news, keep reading VOI.ID.